Western Boogie From The Molochs

13411931_1065602526865943_2012251016579006195_oI’m always looking for songs that are a little outside of the realm of what I normally listen to, but that still fit the bill as infectious and exciting. This track from The Molochs, out of LA, called “No More Cryin'” is different and delightful– a groovy ditty that will lodge itself into your day and beg you to listen again and again. From the sound of this group, you might imagine that they’d be from here in Texas, or somewhere southern, as they’ve got a definite honky tonk sound to the jangly beat. Perhaps it’s the intermittent harmonica that chimes in and out of the mix, or the crunchy bass line that begs for toe tapping and head bobbing. What’s also great about this song is the story that it tells in between the catchy, sing-along, chorus. So tip your cowboy hat to these Californians and give the track below some well-deserved attention.

America’s Velvet Glory will be out January 13th via Innovative Leisure Records. Pre-order it here.


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Jangling Rock from Tijuana Panthers

tijuanaI swear this is my favorite time of the year.  Not only are there tons of records coming out left and right, but a great deal of them come perfecting the mood of Spring.  When I first put on this new track from Tijuana Panthers, I couldn’t help but tapping my feet, imagining myself dancing about my room at home; I did just that when I played this song. They also recall the perfect power-pop that our own favorite (and ATH Records alumni) Literature bring to the table.  It’s pop music with no BS, just good songs. The band releases Wayne Interest, their new album, on June 6th via Innovative Leisure.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/142560525″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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