La Securite Share Detour Single

You’re going to throw a stabbing post punk guitar riff at me? Then follow it up with this infectious bass groove and a bit of bob-and-weave vocal stylings? Okay, I’ll follow you anywhere at that point, just like I will with a new La Securite single. And, as much as I love the hooks in the songwriting, there are some elements towards the latter half that just put the group in their groove, locking into the fun of building noise and letting the mixture swirl around until it all sounds absolutely perfect. This is the perfect reminder of how great the group are, and perhaps why I should go revisit Stay Safe!

La Securite Share Hot Topic Video

Contrary to popular thought, the latest track from Montreal’s La Securite is not actually about your revered mall outlet. Instead, it’s a proper piece meant to score the incredible dance routine that has been edited down to feature in this film version. From the moment you’re pressing play, the dancers and the song are pulsing, claiming the space as their very own, both physical and musical. Eliane snakes around ringing guitar notes and synthetic stabs, delivering a sharp indifference to the world around the dancers and the singer. Pulsating punk elements mixed with dancefloor ready grooves make Stay Safe something to keep on your radar; it drops tomorrow via Mothland.

La Securite Share Serpent Video

Felt like during the middle of the week we need to switch up our shoes and get a little midweek groove on, and what better way than the subtle hooks of Montreal’s La Securite. Where it would be easy to add the pace and really push folks onto the dancefloor, this bunch pull back, letting the rhythmic pulse guide the listener while the vocals flirt with that dreamy-disco intoxication. Lurking inside is this pseudo-chorus that feels like a riot-girl call to arms, adding in just enough grit to keep those rockist snobs on the hook. Look for Stay Safe on June 16th via Mothland.

Meet the SXSW Band: La Securite

Well we are sort of winding down our preview coverage of SXSW bands today and tomorrow as we ease into the weekend and shut down for next week. We’ve still got a couple more previews to sneak in before signing off and today I am pleased to share question responses from Montreal based outfit La Securite. As always, it’s a treat to get an international perspective from bands coming to town. Hit the jump for interview, music and show dates.

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