New Tunes from Radio Dept.

The+Radio+Dept+radiodeptSweden’s Labrador Records have a stranglehold on all things Swedish pop, and I’m grateful for it.  Just recently they released a new Radio Dept EP, which features several of the songs off the bands upcoming album Clinging to a Scheme.  Not much is really known about the record at this point, other than it should hit during the Spring.  This track, “David,” has a sort of shoegaze-synth-pop-croon to it, and everything just sort of moves along from there.  You’ll be digging this track all day long.


Download: Radio Dept – David [MP3]

New Tunes from Sambassadeur

sambassadeurIf you follow labels closely, they always lead you to new gems.  Such was the case when I hit up Labrador Records, the label that releases lots of killer Swedish tunes.  This time around they led me to Sambassadeur, another up-and-comer from the Swedish scene.  You’ll find this tune on their new album European, which comes out at the end of Ferbruary.


Download: Sambassadeur – Days [MP3]

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