Sailor Down Shares I Get It

Our friends over at Relief Map Records have quickly jumped into the fold with releases, announcing a new EP from Sailor Down, the project of Chloe Deeley. There’s something familiar in her songwriting, particularly on this single; I feel like that light strum is just a little voice in my head reminding me how much I love a simple pop ballad. Chloe’s voice has this distinct fragility, like it could shatter into a million melodic shards as soon as it hits your ears. It’s one of those tunes that maximizes emotions while stripping things down to their barest form…which I’m always drawn towards. She will release her Skip the Line EP on May 14th.

Tasha Shares Would You Mind Pulling Me Close Lyric Video

After dropping Alone at Last to critical acclaim, I’m pleased to let you know that Tasha isn’t resting, instead choosing to drop this devastating new tune in your lap. The first 2 minutes of this song just wash over you, go straight to every little emotional firing synapse; I love the light wash of water in the song’s distance here too. Then you cross that 2 minute mark and the song erupts, with Tasha belting out her voice as heavy strings raise the bar altogether. I mean, shit, how do you listen to this song and not feel moved? And that’s not even touching on the lyrical content, which is highly relatable. The single’s available everywhere tomorrow via Father Daughter.

Royal Forest Share Sometimes Video

This Friday, Royal Forest will finally release their new album Waiting Drum; it feels like its been a long time coming, though that in part has to do with the band’s attention to detail in the process. This new LP, for instance, was recorded in a nearly century old farmhouse in Arkansas, which inevitably left its mark on the group’s sound. Digging through the latest single, I’m really impressed with the way they’ve created this dense lushness in their sound, with each note seemingly brimming with thoughtfulness; really love the song’s latter half where electronic textures are woven in and out. That said, the vocals help the group maintain a certain pop sensibility that makes their organic musical exploration accessible to even the pickiest of listeners. If you’re willing to go on this journey, grab Waiting Drum this Friday via King Electric Record Company.

Double Grave Share Lyric Video for Long Drive Home

Slim pickings out there in indie rock land, so its a good thing that Minneapolis trio Double Grave just dropped this lyric video for their latest single “Long Drive Home.” I’ve been digging on it all day, as it kind of seems like my go to genres all mashed up into one; you get a touch of fuzzy gaze-ish guitar pop, textured with this sort of slow-core bravado, eventually moving into this erupting n-emo…that’s right, I just triple-pigeonholed ’em! Whatever your tastes, you get a melody disguised in atmospherics that allows plenty of space for your mind to wander out the door. You’ll get to hear the tune on August 7th when Goodbye, Nowhere drops via Forged Artifacts.

That New Bright Eyes Song

I think every time I hear one of the new Bright Eyes song, I immediately try to rush through his catalogue in my brain to classify what era it seems to fit into best. This latest single seems like a clash between Digital Ash and Fever and Mirrors. It employs that sampled beat at the beginning, building in the nod to Digital Ash, but the vocal tones seem to have that fragility in its warble that made Conor’s voice so distinctive. Of course, the song is spun anew with excellent string arrangements, all for our benefit. I was on the fence, but the more I hear, the more I’m jumping back in that Bright Eyes pool. The new record will be out later this year via Dead Oceans.

Nap Eyes Share So Tired Lyric Video

With Snapshot of a Beginner on the near horizon, we’re excited that there’s another Nap Eyes tune out there to give us a little taste of what we’re to expect. This track feels pretty bare at the song’s beginning, which perhaps can be owed to Nigel Chapman really focusing on the message of the song. But, shortly in, the song sort of erupts into slide guitars and jazzy solos that cut across the song’s core. It all returns to the solemnity and weariness of the verses to close things out. Look for the new LP to drop on March 27th courtesy of Jagjaguwar and Paradise of Bacheolors.

The Saxophones Announce Eternity Bay

The wife and husband duo, The Saxophones, have just announced their brand new album, Eternity Bay, and with it comes this lyric video for the first single. As Austin flirts with Fall/Winter, it seems the perfect musical piece; it’s careful and thoughtful, with all the accents fit into the song perfectly. Initially constructed as a duet, Alexi ends up taking all the vocal roles, with his wife Alison adding backing vocals; the decision does make the track seem more delicate and fragile, which perhaps ties into the thematic element presented in the lyrical content. A soft start to hump day, and a strong start to the album cycle; Eternity Bay will be out on February 14th via Full Time Hobby.


Bodega Share Knife on the Platter

It’s good to see a band you enjoyed take a step to the side and start to flex their musical muscle. I love Bodega‘s brand of thoughtful art-punk, and while the lyrical content doesn’t seem to stray too far, the music we’re hearing from the band’s forthcoming LP definitely has the group reaching into new territory. Here we get to hear the band sit back and entrance listeners with Ben’s emphatic lyrical delivery while the rhythm section dims the room (as seen in the video, right?). The guitar work is still slightly angular, but it almost seems like a shiny accessory in the presence of this tune. The band will releasing their new Shiny New Model EP next Friday via What’s Your Rupture.

The Late Innings Share Last Resort Video

The Late Innings will be releasing Wild Places, and why not drop the album with a big big bang, like a great lyric video in completely different languages? That’s just what The Late Innings have done, sharing this power pop gem with its accompanying video offering you a taste of new cultures. The song is interesting. On the surface, it seems like this straight ahead power pop tune, filled with these big riffs built around a solid melody. However, once you go back and listen again, your ear starts to catch the accompaniment in a more forceful manner, particularly the great horn work for emphasis. It left kind of reminding me of Beulah, if they were really into early Elvis Costello records. Wild Places is out today, so enjoy this treat from the band!

Abram Shook Shares Your Time

Since the inception of this site back in the 00s, Abram Shook has been a constant feature on these Internet pages…either as a solo artists or one of his various projects like Feverbones or Great Nostalgic. Next week, he’ll be releasing his new LP, the Neon Machine, and while it definitely has his imprint, I think a lot of folks will be surprised by the sounds. For me, the synth pulse, albeit in a smooth fashion, was an unexpected twist; it’s interesting how some of those notes match the rhythm of Abram’s vocal delivery. Speaking of his vocals, there’s this velvety soulfulness that it far more pronounced than anything he’s done; I think the “with your time” line is the only time when I was like “yeah, this sounds like Abram, 100%.” It’s a really impressive shift into new territory, and I can see this getting some Neon Indian comparisons for those with careful ears. The new LP is out August 16th via Western Vinyl. He’ll be out on the road through October with White Denim, mostly through East Coast/Midwest; check some of those dates HERE.

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