Wy Share New Single + EP Announcement

Sweden’s Wy have already found great success with their last few releases, finally breaking into the US audience with the excellent Marriage LP (2021). Today, the group return with news of a fresh EP on the way, and they’re doing it in striking fashion. Ebba opens the tune with her vocals crawling atop light sonic touches. Soon, the guitar enters the picture, heavily breaking the barrier between pop and rock. Still, Ebba’s voice has this huge range to it, something that would put her right alongside current US darlings like Angel or Sharon. Something Amazing is on the horizon, and it will be released by the ATH revered Rama Lama Records.

Wy Share God’s Lamb Video

I don’t often get struck by vocals as much as I might have been at a younger age as a music fan, but when I turned on the latest tune from Sweden’s Wy, I’ll admit that Ebba’s voice just hit me immediately. The song’s barely even begun, almost like the duo are still tuning when suddenly she just belts out the first notes; she’s got this huge voice, yet almost instantly she pulls it back to quietly lull you into the core of the track. She plays with that dynamic throughout the song, alternating between striking and softness, but its the songwriting that really gives the tune/vocals clarity. Every note seems purposeful, careful not to get in the way of the other notes, tying everything together in one ridiculously wonderful pop tune. You can find this track on the group’s new Marriage LP, out May 7th via Rama Lama Records.

Show Spotlight: X_X and Obnox @ Barracuda (TONIGHT!)

xxxIf you call yourself a fan of punk rock, modern or old school, you either end up at this show over at Barracuda or you’re a fraud. For starters, the night kicks off with local rockers Marriage and Coma in Algiers…no slouch in their own right. But, you get a touch of history with X_X, a band fronted by John D Morton (the electric eels). This guy’s been making real rock n’ roll for so long, it’s hard to ignore. And, the drummer for X_X is one of my favorite rockers Lamont Thomas, who will also be bringing along his band Obnox. You think Ty Segall is prolific? You haven’t heard Lamont.

Tickets are only 10 bucks and the Doors are at 9 PM. Come get your rock on!

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Fun Little Number from Oryx and Crake

oryxandcrakeI was first caught by this track solely based on the name of the band, Oryx and Crake; it just happens to be one of my favorite Atwood novels. Musically, the band’s quite interesting.  There are elements that remind me of that mid-period Of Montreal, yet there’s this added frivolity that sort of reminds me of Tilly and the Wall (it also closes in a Bowie/Bolan nod).  Of course, all of these are just the things I hear in the songs, so you’re likely to find something entirely different.  This September the band will release their new LP, Marriage, via Deer Bear Wolf.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/168438132″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Pics: FFF6 Day Three

Fun Fun Fun Fest photo coverage concludes at Austin Town Hall.

There is dust in every crevice…

…of my camera gear. Day three had a weird blend to it. Starting with an interview with WWPJ, We caught OBN III and Davila 666 at Black Stage followed by WWPJ’s set, Mate of State segued to MNDR and Austra. Jumpcut to Ted Leo,dial it back to dance party with Architecture in Helsinki, back up again for Hum and then Easing out with Black Lips and Slayer (?).

You know what is past the break.

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