Last Week’s Jams (7.24 – 7.28)

We may have gone a bit overboard last week, as I see that we covered over 25 different tunes last week. But, that being said, we also ran some gosh-darned freaking hits. I loved that new jam from Split System, and have played it well over 50 times at this point. That, and that new track from Prewn pretty much made my week. I mean, there’s new stuff from Woods, Night Drive and all sorts bonus EP coverage for Death Bells and Bedroom Eyes. Plenty of stuff to dig into, so why not get on it, eh?

ME REX Prep Release of Giant Elk

Admittedly, I’m a huge sucker for the pop punk/indie rock that sounds/feels British, and ME REX has been at the top of that list (along with Martha) the last few years. Today, they dropped a fresh single out there that’s the perfect encapsulation of their sound. As you listen, you’ll notice that the song rolls to match the stomp of the vocal delivery from Myles McCabe; it seems like each drum fill and guitar riff was there to wrap a blanket around him. But, where the song excels is that euphoric joy that hits in the chorus as the tension finally releases. Sure, they could hit me with more bombast there, and I wouldn’t hate it, but as is, you get this punchy gem of a tune that you’ll soon be singing the rest of the day! Look for Giant Elk to drop on October 20th via Big Scary Monsters.

Last Week’s Jams, Today (5.2 – 5.6)

So much good music last week, and so much to cover. Well, we tried to get up as much as we could, plus Brian got some great photos of Good Morning and Packs. Here’s our weekly musical recap, with lots of awesome news, like new releases from Tan Cologne, Field Guides…and Voxtrot! I think the news of their Early Music compilation definitely made my week, even as I was held hostage in my classroom by state testing. Enjoy some jams from last week.

Me Rex Share Toilet of Venus

We already had a tune from Kathryn Woods other project Fresh earlier this week, so now we turn to another project she’s involved in, ATH faves ME REX. This track is punctuated by Myles McCabe’s clever wordplay and quick delivery of lines, with these keyboard lines thrown in to build on the band’s pop aesthetic. The chorus is ultra-catchy, as one would expect from the group, bringing up various ways for Myles to exclaim that “these are the best days of my life.” This song is a great way to start your morning, and will feature on the group’s Plesiosaur EP, out June 17th via Big Scary Monsters.

Me Rex Shares Jupiter Pluvius + Announce New EP

Me Rex has been on everyone’s radar, continuously knocking out pop rock hit after hit…and today they add another to that list. In fact, they’re one of the main acts I’ll be looking to catch as many times as I can at SXSW next week. This new song has a huge feel, hitting quick with the vocals, looking at a more hopeful future, a little bit of joy “when the sun comes back out.” Their songs are infectious and punchy, which is just how I take my rock n’ roll in the mornings. This new tune comes with the announcement of their Plesiosaur EP, out in June via Big Scary Monsters.


Last Week’s Jams, Today (1.10 – 1.14)

Well, I will admit, there were so many songs last week that I loved that I may have gotten a touch carried away. I mean that new Methyl Ethyl with Stella Donnelly is a banger, plus new stuff from our friends in Blushing and the Reds Pinks and Purples! We even got to premiere some sweet tunes that only exist in special places, like our site, namely the latest from Yea-Ming and the Rumors and Good Grief. So, browse through this hour of tunes, and I beg you to find a bad one in there. You can’t! I’ll try to keep up the momentum this week!


ME REX Share Skin It Itches

As a big pterosaur fanatic, it seems required that I’ve got to throw my hat into the ring for ME REX‘s forthcoming Pterodactyl EP. It’s a good thing that the song’s they’re crafting are up to the challenge, particularly the latest single, “Skin It Itches.” When this one starts, there’s a noticeable calm to it, almost thoughtful. It’s a nice little tease, as the band’s frantic nature definitely makes an appearance as the tune trickles out. That chorus has this punch to it, though it’s not heavy-handed, with just the right balance of volume and backing vocals. Perfect jam if you ask me, particularly if you’re a fan of acts like Martha. The new EP is out on February 4th via Big Scary Monsters.

Last Week’s Jams, Today (10.25 – 10.29)

Hopefully you’re all waking up a little groggy from celebrating Halloween with your neighbors and friends…or your kid. So we’re here to ease you into the week by offering up a quick little playlist to recap what came our way last week, in case you missed it. Be sure to give a listen to new music from Rachel Love (Dolly Mixture) and Lewsberg, both who released great albums last week. We start off with the recent banger from Clear History, so make sure your speakers are adjusted appropriately. Happy Monday!

Me Rex Share Never Graduate Single

You know when you just want something big and poppy, something that seems just perfectly built for you? Well, I present you with the new single from London’s Me Rex. If you’re into British pop rock like Martha, you’re going to want to spend some time here; you might also want to go back and revisit the band’s other releases. Here, we get a little synth into before the song hits hyperdrive into euphoria…backing vocals swell with these magical hooks that dig deep into your soul. Myles McCabe has this great delivery within the confines of the song to kind of tie it all together; it comes across as spoken and call, straining when it hits the song’s rising tension. If you dig this, look for the band’s Pterodactyl EP in February of next year via Big Scary Monsters. Also, fun fact. Pterodactyls are not dinosaurs. Duh.

Last Week in Music, Today

Everyone always be trying to wrap up the week with their “Week in Music,” but we’re a little lazier, plus we figured you wanted to slow start your Monday, so why not do it by checking out what we were jamming to last week. So, we’ve put all the singles, plus a few other things we were loving in the mix. That way, you can sit back and just enjoy a fun playlist…and if you weren’t in on it, jump back and see what we had to say. Or don’t. Either way, you can now start your day with this hip playlist. We kick it off with the latest from Los Esplifs, who drop their Estraik Back LP tomorrow for 4/20.

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