Enola Shares Metal Body

Earlier this year, Enola release “Strange Comfort,” which was a ridiculously good single…made it as one of my favorite tracks of the year. Today the Melbourne artist returns with another ripper, forcing me to marvel at the craft of Ruby Marshall. They keep writing these songs that feel like these clever pop tunes, something not too far off from other rad Aussie outfits like Courtney or Stella. But, that’s just the surface, as you’ll discover that below the tip of the iceberg is this dangerous brand of rock n’ roll; the guitars churn and drums thump, smashing the expectations of pop fans and turning them onto something far more hip and frightening. I can’t wait to hear Enola put it all together for a full LP!

Premiere: New Single & Video From Sunfruits

Australia, and even more specifically Melbourne, has really picked a ton of focus from us recently on the pages of ATH. Rightfully so with a slew of new music coming out over the last year, some of which coming from my new pails in Sunfruits. Today we are premiering another new single from the band called “Believe It” which has a touch more of a pop focus paired with the bands familiar take on psych rock. It’s catchy as hell.

This is part of more new music coming from Sunfruits via killer label Earth Libraries.

Worker & Parasite Share the Silent Majority Video

A month or so back, Worker & Parasite dropped their latest, the Politics EP. For a brand that sports angular post-punk, the title was pretty apt, and got tons of spinning over here at my home DJ station. But, perhaps the Melbourne band and their cultural ministry of cool slipped under your radar, so they’ve aimed to rectify that with this visual simulation. Sonically, the band are sharp and witty, reminiscent of US acts like Bodega, though you’ll clearly hear that they’re not shying away from dropping the hooks right into your lap either. If you’re digging the vibe, you can stream the whole EP right HERE.

Hearts and Rockets Share Clown Town

Melbourne’s Hearts and Rockets are no stranger here at ATH, and with a brand new single and 7″ out there in the world, seems like the perfect time to revisit the duo. For me, there’s really two reasons to love the band: self-described bratwave and hooks. Listening to Kalindy’s vocals gives you this growling sharpness, most likely aligned with early riotgrrrl performances; I love that sort of bite, tying into my youth. But, I also love great hooks, and this track doesn’t miss out there, tossing a heavy pulse from the rhythm that immediately gets your heart racing. If you’re tapping your toes and bobbing along, perhaps you grab that new 7″ split with Skink Tank.

Deuce Share Seven Hour Flower

Deuce caught our attention last year when they burst onto the scene with their debut LP, not to mention that 1/2 of the principal songwriter is Curtis from the Ocean Party/Pop Filter. Today, the Melbourne group return with this sensational new single. The songwriting on this is sharp, immediately building the melody for Kayleigh’s voice to shine; it cruises through the song like some pop music whirling dervish, spinning this meditative trance over the listener. But, there’s some nice guitar licks in there too, bulking up the texture and carrying the song in its own fashion. Fingers crossed we get more from the act real soon.

Hot Tubs Time Machine Prep Double Tubble

The hotbed of Melbourne is constantly on our minds here, continuing to impress as the sounds have taken on more risks in the recent years, like Hot Tubs Time Machine, the working project of Daniel Twomey (Lower Plenty/Deaf Wish) and Marcus Rechsteiner (UV Race). Today we’ve got a brand new single, accompanied by the announcement of Double Tubble, the duo’s new LP. Daniel’s crafted the musical soundscape, like here where you get this electronic jittering, flirting with with time signatures, warping the groove into something that moves the listener. This unbalanced washing machine of electronic pulses is the perfect backdrop for Marcus’ narration; he toys with stories both humorous and mundane, crafting this lyrical vision of Australia that connects the dots for us all. Double Tubble is out on November 25th via Trouble in Mind/Spoilsport Records.

Carpet Burn Share New B-Sides

Just in case you missed last year’s Carpet Burn 7″ EP, there’s now a reason to revisit, as the band have just built in two B-sides for a compilation cassette. As you can tell on the newer tunes, the group have added in a sense of humor to their DIY pop sounds, which makes them all the more endearing, to us (and their label Spoilsport!). While “A Little More” very much feels like a Melbourne bit of pop, “Pencils and Sharpeners” expands that sound, delving into something a little more on the psychedelic tip. It’s a wonderful addition to an already great 7″, and now with the working title of I Can’t Believe Its Not the A-Side. available today on cassette via Spoilsport!

No Zu Announce New EP + Share Liquid Love

It’s been quite a few years since we’ve heard original music from “heat beat” pioneers No Zu, but after the passing of member Daphne Camf in 2021, the band have regrouped to record a fresh EP for Chapter Music. Personally, they’ve crafted this undefinable sound, something that maybe blends a bit of every element that ever evolved on the dance floor into one cohesive sound. This new track wears some of the shades of post-punk, though there’s this sort of old school disco vibe to some of the accompanying vocal work. But, that’s just the beginning as the song twists into an almost jazzy funk party with dance floor ready vocal punctuation, delivering cool every step of the way. Then it all devolves into this cacophonous freakout of noise before slinking back into that throbbing groove. Their Heat Beat EP will be delivered to your door on November 18th.

Laura Jean Shares Too Much to Do Video

Laura Jean‘s new album Amateurs will drop in November, but today we get another glimpse at the world being crafted for listeners. This song does a great job teasing the listener, utilizing a vibrant piano and vocals as the backbone, with little string bits meant to create tension in step with those forceful piano lines. And, just as you think the song might not travel further, it drops in at the 1:36 mark, kicking off this insatiable groove that has you bobbing and weaving as the string work continues to add structure to the tune itself. Still, the song keeps building in a sense, with the vocals hitting an almost blissed out angelic tone, creating this sort of climactic moment that ends just as you feel it peak! A glorious 3 Act song you can easily adore this morning. Amateurs drops November 4th via Chapter Music.

Don Glori Share Ponte Single

Sometimes, and I know it’s completely on me, but I feel like my musical tastes can sometimes get one-note, especially on here. But, I love all sort of stuff, and probably have some sort of musical ADHD, which is why I’ve just been drinking my coffee and jamming this track from Don Glori, the recording project of Melbourne’s Gordon Li. The project has just announced a debut LP, Welcome, and this first single is a collage that moves from a soulful Latin groove into an almost classical-oriented lounge act, though in doing this seamlessly, you’re just sitting there with your head spinning, lost in the chilled vibes Li has built for us all. The debut LP will be out on October 14th courtesy of Bedroom Suck Records.

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