R.I.P. Michael Jackson

michaeljackson-gal-beforeSad news in the music world today.  Michael Jackson, the true king of pop music, has passed away today from an apparent heart attack.  We won’t try to put into words what this means to the music world, but we will say that everyone here at ATH is deeply saddened by this news.  We will miss you.  Full story comes from CNN.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/michael-jackson-billie-jean.mp3]

FT5: Forgotten Nirvana Songs

0213top5cover1Twenty-eight years ago today Kurt Cobain’s uncle gave him a choice of either a bike or a guitar as a present for his 14th birthday. Kurt chose the guitar. As the front man for Nirvana, he would spearhead a cultural shift in rock music by bringing underground rock overground with the album Nevermind. DGC records hoped to move 250,000 copies. It went on to sell millions and symbolically dethroned Michael Jackson from the #1 spot on the billboards. Suddenly the hair metal bands and carefully crafted pop icons that dominated before Nevermind’s release looked dated and ridiculous. Nevermind was more than just an album, it was a pivotal moment in rock history. Follow the jump as we unveil our Top 5 Forgotten Nirvana Songs.

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FT5: Halloween Songs

Conveniently for us, Halloween just happens to fall on a Friday. So we’re jumping on the bandwagon and bringing you our top 5 Halloween songs. But here’s the best part – we are also creating an ATH playlist for your Halloween party. That’s right, we’re including the songs. Just fire up ATH Radio, and you’ve got yourself an instant party. Full list of zombie laden goodness after the jump.

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