Some More Free Week Pics…

I still love Free Week. Went out and about again and saw a whole different set of random people. I learned a friend’s girlfriend’s dad goes by the name Bush Pounder. I learned a kind soul was leaving us for Puerto Rico, but would be returning for fests and touring gigs. Little known fact, flights to cities in the US from Austin are about the same as flights from Puerto Rico.

It was a whole different set of bands and a different chunk of venues. Here is the rundown: Empire to see out friends in Bali Yaaah and Hours Quiet, Barracuda for Midriff, ATH Records’ Pollen RX, Stiletto Feels, Otis The Destroyer and Flesh Lights with a quick jaunt to Swan Dive to see what Casey Beans was all about as a solo thing.

Click through for all the pics.

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Join Us Tonight at Barracuda for Flesh Lights, Pollen Rx and More

Well, looks like our dear friend Free Week has extended into the second week of January, and we’ve got a banger of a show for you to hit up this evening over at Barracuda. We’re sponsoring it with our good friend over at GTZ Records. Midriff will kick things off, followed by ATH Records act Pollen Rx, then Stiletto Feels, Otis the Destroyer and closing the night with the always phenomenal Flesh Lights. All these bands are really great, and they’re playing for you for free, so why not enjoy a Thursday properly and come on out. Show starts just after 9, so get there early, as there’s sure to be a good crowd.

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Join Us Tomorrow Night @ Cheer Up Charlies

showposterWe’ve gotten the word out, but we want to cordially invite you, both in and out of Austin, to join us tomorrow night at Cheer Up Charlies. We’re hosting a show with our good friends over at GTZ Records, bringing you a pretty diverse line-up of great music. The line-up includes UVH (), Midriff, Gloves INTL, Charlie Bell, Stiletto Feels and Troller. I love that we managed to get bands that all tie into one another, musically, yet none of them sound quite like the other. OH! Perhaps the best part? You can attend for the cost of FREE! A free show on a Friday at our favorite place! Read more about set times HERE, and let us known you’re coming out. Stream some jams below to get you in the mood.

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