Blistering Number from Peach Kelli Pop

Hot on the heels of their recent EP, Peach Kelli Pop is about set to drop their new LP for Mint Records. Today’s new single illustrates the perfect balance between the saccharine stylings and the band’s frenetic punk rock. If you were to stick solely with the vocals, it sounds like the perfect sunny day, but then distorted guitars and pummeling pace blast you through the track in under 2 minutes. It’s like riding a bike on some beachside boardwalk, only you got shit to do so you’re rushing down the path. Look for Gentle Leader to drop on May 25th.

More New Peach Kelli Pop

Peach Kelli Pop don’t seem to be slowing down a bit; the band are already prepping their new RSD EP, and now they come with the announcement of a brand new full-length LP. It’s a catchy number, all the way into the chorus, but what’s most enjoyable to my ears are the guitar sounds. To me, it sounds like the ladies are stepping into Marked Men territory, only infusing it with a little bit more sunshine and pop sensibility; you know I don’t mind that at all. The group will release Gentle Leader on May 25th via Mint Records, and they’ve also got a June date here in Austin with our own Mean Jolene.

New Music from Dumb

While I’m obviously partial to Austin band, Dumb, this great tune is actually from a Vancouver act of the same name. This Dumb employ a jagged stutter in their guitar work, with frantic bass work that’s reminiscent of acts in the vein of Omni. It’s a bouncing good time with a certain indifference in the vocal delivery, even including a nice little noisy guitar solo along the way to the song’s finish line. It all sounds to me like great bits of art-punk where tight guitar lines cut the rug with nerdy lyrical lines; look forward to the band’s new Seeing Green LP, which drops on June 22nd via Mint Records.

Get On This New Peach Kelli Pop

It’s time for this dreary Winter to fade away, and what better way to jump towards Spring than with a great jam. This new single from Peach Kelli Pop seems pretty fitting; it’s brief and energetic, although the lyrical content seems to have a more dire vibe. But, lets hope that the song serves as a perfect catharsis, as no one brings in the sunny pop like this group. They’ve just signed with Mint Records for the delightful new Which Witch EP…hitting stores on RSD everywhere.

More Hook Laden Pop Rock from Tough Age

The more I listen to this new Tough Age track, the harder I fall. It has this timeless quality, infectious riffs and pounding rhythm, making way for a quick chorus. But, that’s all tried and true, so I’m really appreciating the gruff vocals on this number, not to mention the brief feedback squall; it adds an extra dimension that’s destined for listener gratification. Quick and to the point, nostalgic and fresh…all things that go with this single…and the band’s new album I Get the Feeling Central; it’s being released by Mint Records on October 20th.

Tough Age Soon to Release New LP

After relocating to Toronto, Tough Age have already dropped one 7″, with news coming that the group are set to release a new LP on October 20th. The fuzz on this tune is delightful, especially when you’ve got the angular pop from the guitar dancing all around. All the while, Penny takes on her careful howl, delivering each line with such assuredness that you better believe the band mean business. This number bounces back and forth, with just enough edge to keep the cool kids happy. Look for Shame to hit your local stores via Mint Records in late October.

Check Out This Tune From WOOLWORM

Man Mint Records has really been pumping out some hits for me recently. Only yesterday brought news of that legit new Tough Age EP and now they’ve sent me this surprising new single from Vancouver based WOOLWORM. The song, “Catbird”, reminds me of Thursday if they added more shoe gaze and indie tendencies to their sound. It’s right up my alley.

WOOLWORM will release Deserve to Die on August 25th via Mint Records.

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Stream New EP From Tough Age

Those in need of a quick boost to moral on this dreary Monday should have a listen to this new 3 song EP from Toronto based outfit Tough Age. The punk inspired tracks on the EP are all quick bursts of fun and well under 2 minutes long. They will surely change the mood of your Monday blues.

Those looking for a physical copy of new EP Unclean can buy a copy via Mint Records.

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Digging This New Monomyth Tune

monomythI’ve been trying to identify some signature points to ascribe to Monomyth, and while I agree that the band has their own sound, you can also look at nods to the Wrens or Wilco for a hint at their sound. The chorus of this track is pretty enchanting, with a nice little upswing that grabs you, while the rest of the tune provides steadied folk-influenced bedroom pop. You’ll hear a bit of the current indie mood via the song’s noodling, though that incessant guitar ring in the background helps sets the band apart. Sounds to me like Happy Pop Family is going to find it’s way into a lot of people’s collection; it’s released on November 4th via Mint Records.

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Another Piece of Pop from Supermoon

supermoonNext week we’ll finally be able to get our hands on what sounds to be a delightful release from Supermoon. They’ve just unleashed another of the tunes off their forthcoming release, and it’s a doozy. There’s this indifferent vocal delivery that dominates the tune, almost in a disinterested punk sort of way; it matches the vibe of the darkly tinted guitar work too. But, beware, as a flow of pop hides deep within the tune, which of course is my favorite moment here. Playland is going to be joyous in an unexpected sort of way; look for it via Mint Records on May 20th.

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