SXSW Interviews: Common Holly

Who is awake this morning? Not this guy. Myself and the entire ATH crew have emerged from the week of madness known as SXSW and are somehow all working today. It was hella fun, but this is surely the worst Monday of the year. As always, we will be recapping our week here soon, but before that, I have one more interview to run which somehow slipped through the cracks last week. This last one comes from Brigitte Naggar and her Montreal based project known as Common Holly. Hit the jump to read more.

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Incredible New No Joy Track

untitledWhen you hear about new music from Montreal based No Joy, you know it’s going to be a good day. We’ve seriously been major fans for years so new music is always incredibly exciting. Don’t expect to be let down in anyway either with this rocking and badass new song “Thorn in Garlands Side”. The intro alone should be enough to have you hooked. This band can do no wrong.

New EP Drool Sucker will be out on July 15th via Topshelf Records.

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Pop Music from How Sad

howsadfaceThere’s something that catches my ear when I hear careful guitar lines wrapped around a nice bit of synthesized work; I guess it probably harkens to the sounds of my bedroom circa 91-92 (I know I’m old). Still, I’ve been hooked on the latest single from How Sad…it hits in all the right places. There’s a lofty vocal tone switch in the chorus, brightening the emotive powers of the track…though I’m also partial to the deeper tones presented in the rest of the track. The Montreal act is just releasing their new album, Everything Happens, which should be a must have for you pop fans hanging out there.

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No Joy Deliver Again

untitledNo Joy is a Montreal based band I’ve been into since the band first kicked off back in 2009.  A genre is difficult to come up with for the group as they mesh some of the best shoe gaze sounds with psych and pop elements.  Maybe you can come up with something better after you check out this new single “Hollywood Teeth”.  Labels or no labels, the band creates short yet memorable tunes.

Pick up new album, More Faithful, on June 9th via Mexican Summer.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Heat Offer Us Something A Little Bit Different

heatersNot sure exactly what it is about this song, but the four dudes in Heat have concocted something both enchanting and strange.  I think it’s the delivery of the vocals, laid out in a matter of fact manner, that really changes the dynamic of this track.  You’ll hear a throbbing bass line and shimmering guitars working their way in and out of this tune, but it’s all set as the background for the spoken word story being given to listeners. The Montreal group will release their Rooms EP on May 4th via Kitsune.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Track From The Muscadettes

Bthe-muscadetteseen digging this new track from Montreal based girl group The Muscadettes today.  It’s a girl rock track with some hints of pop thrown in there as well which offers up something really interesting.  I suggest you check it out now.

New EP, Side A, is due out April 21st on Papercup Music.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Fun Times with Cafeine

CAF profileFriday’s are meant to be fun. Celebrate the weekend. Celebrate a brief respite from stress and all that. What’s the best way? Finding a track that’s invigorating and kick ass, then turning it up real loud while you get ready to hit the town or have friends over or whatever floats your fancy.  This new tune from Cafeine is going to be that tune for you today, so just get ready to add it to your playlist already.  His album New Love is coming out on February 17th, and it’s a genre-hopping collection of guaranteed good times.  If you’re into those.


Download: Cafeine – Electric [MP3]

SXSW 2014 Interview: Each Other

eachotherRunning interviews thus far has been a success, and it’s great to see the dynamic personalities spread across the globe making music.  We turn our sites today towards Canada’s Each Other, who’ve got a brand new record coming out on Lefse Records; it’s titled Being Elastic.  I caught the band a few years back, and personally, it was one of my favorite sets; I also hear via various friends that they’re super nice, which makes appreciating them all the easier.  Check out what they had to say.

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Playful Pop from How Sad

how-sad-640What once belonged in the bedroom of its founders is now a full-fledged line-up, garnering lots of praise for Montreal’s How Sad.  Sure, you can sense a bit of those quiet recording touches on their Indian Summer EP, but you can hear exploration and playful touches that help pave the way for what’s been called an ‘unpredictable live” show.  There’s room for playing around on stage, and there’s tons of room for you to enjoy the nuances of good old fashioned synth pop.  The full EP will be released on August 20th, but here’s a sneak peak for your ears.


Download: How Sad – Indian Summer [MP3]

Sonic Avenues – Television Youth

Rating: ★★★★☆

Over the last decade or so the United States has been flooded by wave after wave of Canadian bands, with a great deal coming from Montreal.  While the majority of Montreal’s exports have predominantly dwelled in the artistic pop spectrum with the likes of Arcade Fire at the helm, it’s not all the city has to offer.  Sonic Avenues are an energetic foursome kicking out power-pop/pop-punk on Television Youth the likes we’ve all been missing.

“Givin’ Up On You” jumps you right into the brash affair with a furious drumming and the ghost of Chuck Berry’s guitar being played at maximum speed. You’ll do more than just stomp your feet or tap your toes with this number; if, like me, you’re versed in the old school, you’ll surely be pogoing around your office cubicle or dorm room. A few minutes away lurks one hell of a single, the one that gives the album its name, “Television Youth.”  There’s not just one thing that makes this track stand out; you can pick between the drumming, the “oohs,” the gang vocals or the guitar playing.  Regardless, songs like this deserve to be played by everyone, loud and in close proximity to your annoying neighbors.

Sure, there’s been a handful of other bands banging away such Exploding Hearts influenced pop, but I don’t really feel as if any one has turned the volume up quite as loud as Sonic Avenues.  “Late Summer Goner” and “Fadin’ Luv” both bear a small resemblance to Gentleman Jesse and His Men, but these Montrealers hit it just a bit harder, giving them a much more punk sounding monstrosity of a record than many of their peers.  Perhaps it’s just a little bit more of an unabashed approach to kicking out the classic sounds; whatever it is, it works throughout Television Youth.

You can’t help but find every little touch on this full-length slightly more than infectious.  Pushing through the album is easy, as its brief, allowing you to put all your energy into ransacking your room in joyous abandon.  Even if you start to think that it all blends together, even a bit, you find exciting tracks like “Back Up Back Down” hiding at the end, assuring listeners that no matter how much you think you love your power-pop, you can never get enough of it when it sounds this good.

Admittedly, Sonic Avenues haven’t broken any brand new ground with their latest effort for Dirtnap Records, but they’re execution of the craft revitalizes the genre just a touch, bringing a faster more ferocious variety than many of their predecessors or peers.  Each time I press play on Television Youth, a smile lights up my face, ready for my body to contort spastically as I flail about.  You can’t ask for much more in a record than that; proof that these dudes are on top of the game.


Download:Sonic Avenues – Television Youth [MP3]

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