Even More From No Monster Club

Dublin’s own No Monster Club is currently one of the busiest bands in the game having released 5 EPs already in 2017. Being so relentless with releases this year, one might think the quality of music is watered down, but you’d be totally wrong. Maybe you’ll believe me after listening to this new fun pop single called “You Are Here”. If a song was ever ready for summer, it’s this bright and catchy new track from no Monster Club.

EP #5 of the year, Faqir – Hex, is now available for digital purchase on bandcamp.

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Stream the New EP from Bent

I really have fallen in love with Bent, who were introduced to me via my love affair with Emotional Response. They’ve just released a brand new 7″ EP, filled with discordant, wobbly punk rock. While Heidi’s powerful voice will obviously be a draw for many (she masters that old school howling power), I’m entranced by the way the guitar works in their songs. At times the chords sing to just be plucked out of thin air, while other times they carefully walk between the deep tones of the bass and the rhythm of the drums. There’s this care to the craft, allowing the guitar to take some focus, though never steal the limelight that’s really fascinating to me. You should go grab the 7″ right now, right HERE. Check a video of the lead track off the EP after the jump too!

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Premiere: Lola Tried Unleash Single + EP News

I’ve watched Lauren Burton bust her ass about town for the last few years, and her hard work is really paying off with her new project, Lola Tried. The four piece have crafted a wonderful debut EP, and we’ve got your first listen right here. This track has Lauren opening, looking back on the past, and while the lyrics pull from the hardened times of growing up, there’s an emphatic confidence to her voice. She’s got great control as the band fills in the space behind her, rolling drums and chords that add an appropriate amount of edge to the tune. It’s a sign of a band that offers the rougher side of pop music,filled with sincerity and hooks; you’ll be able to get your hands on the Popsicle Queen EP at the band’s release show at Cheer Up Charlies on February 16th…or buy directly from the band.

Stream New EP From Vansire

Minnesota based dream pop group Vansire is really becoming a mainstay here on ATH. We’ve been enjoying the few songs the guys have shared with us and dig their unique take on the dream pop genre. Today the gents have been kind enough to share with us a full stream of their brand new EP entitled The Rolling, Driftless North. I’m not sure how this band isn’t being talked about on all the major sites, but they certainly deserve to be a household name with tunes like these. Enjoy.

Download this EP for free over on bandcamp.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/293866203″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ATX Spotlight: Another Adam Torres Gem

Adam Torres certainly is making a name for himself, and we couldn’t be happier for the work he’s bring us all. Last year he offered up Pearls to Swine to critical acclaim, introducing many to his angelic tones. He’s already back with the new I Came to Sing the Song EP, which, as I’m hoping this song illustrates, is here to let you all know the absolute power of voice. Sure, there’s light instrumentation around the strumming (is that a thump or his hand bouncing off the guitar?), though I just want Adam to sing us all to sleep. Your world is about to get a whole lot better…even more so on February 24th when his new EP hits via Fat Possum.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/302984729″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Lovely New Song From Vansire

Nate Dog gave you guys a tune from Minnesota based dream pop group Vansire back in January and I’m pleased today to be bringing another one of their songs. This one is called “Driftless” and I think you’ll find that the song title is a perfect descriptor of the tune. It sort of meanders a little bit as you drift off into the delight of the jangly pop sounds. I dig it.

Vansire will be bringing you a new EP at the end of the month. Say hi to them on Facebook.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/301002091″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Tunes from Tape Deck Mountain

tapedeckIt’s been a little bit since we last heard from Tape Deck Mountain, but the project has reappeared with a new song and an upcoming I Will Break U EP release. This track is pretty solid in every way, though I like the contrast between the burgeoning blister of noise and the subtle release of the vocals…almost drawn out from the insides of the human soul. Eventually it settles into familiar shoegaze territory, but there’s just enough to keep things different. Looks like the new EP will be featured in the new fangled cassette format that the kids love on October 8th.

Stream the Stephen’s Shore EP

stephensA little bit ago we brought you the promising single from Stephen’s Shore for their 7″ on Cloudberry Records, and here we are now able to fall in love with the band’s brand new EP. There’s two sides to the EP, musically speaking. A few of the tracks have that classic indiepop guitar pop sound…not quite jangly, but just enough to indulge fans. Still, there’s “If You,” which sounds like some of the best dream pop to come, using crisp chords beneath a cool little wash of calm. Whatever your flavor, you’re going to love this one.

Please Watch this Ari Roar Video

It’s rare that in less than two minutes a song can completely win me over, but that’s precisely what happened when I watched this Ari Roar video the first time; honestly, I was hooked in just under a minute. There’s such an innocence to the tune, which is further encouraged by the accompanying video. Sure, I’d love some longer tracks, but we’ll all have to wait until he releases his Patch Me Up EP via Golden Brown on September 23rd. Until then, just enjoy yourself this little video and song.

Ezra Furman is Back with New EP

ezraIt took catching a live set from Ezra Furman for me to entirely buy into the hype surrounding his music…but now that he’s announced a new EP I’m salivating at the thought of new tunes. It’s got six new songs, one which is streaming below. I love the production work on this number, with his voice really taking control of the listener from the get-go. There’s some range from Furman, but when the accompaniment takes off, including a saxophone, the song really excels, leaving with you this infectious piece of pop music that you’re unlikely to ignore. Look for the new Big Fugitive Life EP coming in August from Bella Union.

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