Kicking It with Justus Profit

justiceThere’s a few seconds worth of noise before this new single from Justus Profit really kicks into gear. But, once it launches in, you’ll definitely get hooked. I really love how the vocals aren’t pushed, in either direction, so the voice sounds completely steady with nary a tone stretched too far or too thin. The rest of the track is filled in with different elements of distortion and layering sampled sounds, smoothing out the tune in soft pop sensibility. It’s our first listen to the songs off his upcoming Magic EP, which is slated for a release next week!

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New Music from Hollow Fortyfives

holowI know we’re all looking down the barrel of winter, possibly the worst one in years (if you believe in Ninos and climate change), so I feel like this Hollow Fortyfives track is a pretty solid track to keep you warm. It’s got that Cali shimmer of garage cum power pop that you know I adore you, offering you just a hint of warmth. You’ll even hear a bit of spoken words beneath the mix in the vein of a lot of old school surf/punk records, so it gets my stamp of approval. This is the title track off their Summertime Psychosis EP, available now.

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Announcing Summer Salt’s Going Native EP

DSC_5878A few weeks back we introduced you to the newest act to join our ATH Records roster, Summer Salt. Well, today we’re bringing you news that we’ve got the bands Going Native EP coming your way in late January. The three-o just finished up their much lauded residency over at the Blackheart, and now we’re here to offer you the first listen to “Manastra.” You’ll hear the band’s great harmonies at play, as well as their tendency to kick out smooth bossanova tunes that’ll keep you warm all year round. If you find a voice prettier than Matt’s, then I need to know. We’re so in love with this EP, and we hope you dig what you hear on this first offering. Sweet photo by our own B. Gray.

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New Sleepercar EP Is Out

jimmyRecently, I caught Antemasque at FFF Fest. Despite the endless talent musically, the songs just didn’t really appeal to me; they didn’t have any accessibility or focus. But, that’s why Jim Ward has always been the unheralded mastermind that made At the Drive In work. You can hear his songwriting talents in his Sleepercar project, though the sound is admittedly a slight bit more Western. Still, there’s soul to this song, featured on his new Breathe and Count EP.  There’s hints of Beck in Ward’s vocals on this round, but I love how the song opens slowly, then erupts a little bit later on down the line…sort of like a journey with Jim. If you’re in Austin, he plays at the Mohawk Wednesday night to celebrate the new EP.

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I’m Enjoying This Track from Wovoka Gentle

wovokaDidn’t have a clue who Wovoka Gentle was going into this track, just a push in the right direction. I’m quite impressed with this tune and the layers of work that went into crafting such exhilarating pop music. At moments the song seemingly takes on the roleof a loop project, using vocals wrapped around one another to create a huge coating of harmony. Still, put your ear closer to the speaker and you’ll hear little glimmers of Americana/folk in the actual musicianship; it’s all continuously filled these airy orchestral touches too. On November 27th the group is set to release their Wovoka Gentle EP Blue, so keep your ears peeled for more delightful tunes.

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Why Aren’t You Listening to Wildhoney?!?

10636662_868611053203947_3628233110282321580_oI’m pretty sure we warned you (through the help of our friends warning us) about how great Wildhoney is? Personally, one of my favorites shows this year included them playing with Expert Alterations at Cheer Ups earlier this year…then caught them again a few weeks later at Hotel Vegas. The Baltimore act crafts a brand of shoegaze that is often bombastic and abrasive, yet can turn in an instant to an innocent fragility that softens the heart. They’re back again already with the brand new Your Face Sideways EP, which is being released by Topshelf on October 16th.

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ATX Spotlight: Ultraviolet Release EP

ultravioletYou should probably clear a little bit of your schedule today. You’ll need roughly 25 minutes, give or take a few seconds, that way you can absorb this great new EP from Ultraviolet.  The Austin act has been crafting really dense shoegaze, filled with distant guitar echoes and airy vocals from singer Caitlin. This new EP just went up HERE the other day, and I wanted to be sure it’s on your radar, as I encourage you to listen all day today. Then, since it’s good for your soul and for Austin, you should donate a buck or five to the group (if you like it), so they can continue to make great tunes. Stream one of the tunes below…and look out for news on the band’s next live show! 

Have You Met Love Sport?

lovesportHonestly, if you’re thinking, who the fuck is Love Sport, then that’s totally understandable; it’s not every day that Finnish bands break in the US.  That’s until our friends over at Soliti sent me this catchy new single from the fan, and I was instantly hooked, meaning the band have officially made it Stateside.  It’s got the appeal of modern slacker indie rock, but the production is ten times better than that of someone recording in their bedroom. It gives the tune more punch, but also encourages you to spend time with the track, rather than listen to it in passing. They’ve just completed their 6 track EP, Almost Doesn’t Mean You Made It, which will be released on September 4th by Soliti…sounds like a deal to me.

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New EP from Menace Beach

menacebeachIf you’re looking for one of the hottest stars in the biz right now, then you needn’t look any further than Menace Beach.  As far as hype goes, they fall in the vein of Diet Cig and Bully, in regards to the hottest rising stars of 15′.  I love the blend of male and female vocals, and especially enjoy the way there’s just a bit of recording haze on it.  It gives it the feeling of not having been done strictly with saccharine in mind.  This is the lead track off their Super Transporterreum EP, which comes out via Memphis Industries.

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More Love for the Wimps

wimpsAs you get ready to pick up the new EP from the Wimps, I figured I’d toss out another tune that’s been out for a week or so…just to further encourage your good tastes.  While this quick little jaunt runs at just under 2 minutes, there’s plenty music in here for you to enjoy.  Personally, I love the fact that the three piece seems to really have narrowed their focus in the songwriting, as their new tunes sound infinitely more powerful and direct than their earlier work…though that was enjoyable in an entirely different delight. It’s just nice to see a good band grow and still charm you…so without further adieu. Kill Rock Stars is handling this release…for this Friday!

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