Stuart Pearce Shares The Bosses Are Stealing Your Days/Rules of Threes

Lest we remind you, Stuart Pearce is a band, not a singular man, and today, the band has dropped a fresh new set of tunes for your ears. You get a little different dose of styles here, with one of the tunes taking on an Ian Dury/Dan Treacy bit of playfulness, while the flipside of the single offers up something a whole lot more aggressive. Both tunes are set to appear on the band’s forthcoming record, All This Vast Overproduction, so it should be interesting to see how this all plays out when that day comes: will they go pop? will they tie into the abrasive? Both options have an upside, but we’ll have to wait until we hear more from the band’s label Safe Suburban Home.

My Best Unbeaten Brother Share Extraordinary Times

When My Best Unbeaten Brother popped onto my radar back in February, I knew I liked it, but was certainly interested to see where the band would go as they moved forward. Well, they’ve quickly become one of my favorite new acts, on the backs of another rad single playing below. It opens in what I kind of consider a come-hither finger wag; the softly spoken lyrical style with a bending guitar line beckons you into the track. Then backing vocals build texture just as the drums snap into their role. Suddenly, the guitars take on a different, distorted tone, almost swinging from side to side. And as if you were getting used that, one of the Ben’s ramps up his vocal delivery, frantically delivering line after line as it was the last thing he might ever say. Everything is catchy and crunchy, and there’s even a bit of Morrissey slander. Earnest pop rock of the best should have everyone in love with this lot. Pessimistic Pizza will be out on June 28th via Audio Antihero.

Julia Sophie Shares Numb Single

When you first click on this Julie Sophie tune, you might be taken aback a bit. The tune operates from the get-go, as a bit of spoken word, something that forces your ears to adjust. Beneath the spoken words, you can begin to hear a bubbling bit of electronica, carefully building its tension. When it releases, the vocals are peeled back and the tune works in a thumping groove with sampled cymbal work, while the vocals crawl along in the background. It’s a nice little twisted tune, working between sedative spoken words and techno beats that should have Julie Sophie on your radar; her Forgive Too Slow LP will be out on July 26th via Ba Da Bing.

Rui Gabriel Shares Church of Nashville

While it it may have taken multiple versions to get here, Rui Gabriel‘s newest single, “Church of Nashville” feels like the perfect final revision. When the electronic loop gets going at the beginning, it immediately brings you into the confines of the track, letting you settle in your seat before Gabriel even walks onto the stage. When his voice begins to work over that hurried strum, there was something about it that was reminiscent of Lou Reed, sort of that whispering cool that makes you want to tie yourself wherever he goes. Plus, as the track gets underway, there are all these little elements of atmospheric brushstrokes that elevate the tune beyond that whisper, lifting it magically into your ear canals. Compassion will be out on Carpark on June 21st.

Skeggs Share Spaceman Single

Aussie outfit Skeggs were on a solid roll, but after bassist Toby Cregan bowed out after a decade with the band. But, today there’s a new power ballad ready to be shared, which shows signs that the band are gearing back up. In a lot of ways, this reminds me of their last release “Stranger Days,” leaving listeners with the ability to sing to every night while still feel a huge emotional connection to the group’s sound. Not sure whether there’s a new LP in the works or a single, but I do love how the group continue to forge ahead with classic pop rock vibes that never get old.

Oh Boland Offer Grass Walls

You should already have Western Leisure are your anticipated albums list, if you’re making one. If not, then just crank up this new Oh Boland track today, which is the opening track from the forthcoming LP. There’s something about it that reminds me of the Clean at their most rambunctious, just kind of taking their hooks and letting them rip in whatever direction they can muster. That said, there’s also a bit of Modern Lovers in the constant driving stomp that wraps around all that exuberance; I personally love the way the vocal delivery has an emphatic punch at the end of each line. Be sure to order Western Leisure from Meritorio Records before it drops on May 31st.

1800 and Froze to Death Share Another End

A few decades into their career, and it feels like 1800 and Froze to Death are just hitting their peak form. After reuniting in 2015, they’ve been toiling away at various projects, but we’re now about ready to receive their new LP, Thirds. Interestingly, they feel very much like they’ve channeled that mid90s indie rock feel, thinking about Jawbreaker (or maybe even Jets to Brazil) on this fresh new jam. It’s crunchy in all the right places, though the production definitely cleans up the sound a bit, bringing it into the present. There’s a whole lot of melody too, which bodes well for the listen, as a lot of acts of this ilk get bogged down in creating the noise. Those that like to rock will love the closing energy of the last two minutes here! Thirds is out on June 21st!

Kosmetika Announce Luxury LP

After getting a couple albums in the bag, Kosmetika have begun to work as a collective as opposed to their earlier days as a duo (with a band supporting); this has culminated in the completion of their latest record, Luxury, which features input from all five members, stretching their sound. Today, there’s a new single coming across the ocean, and it’s riding a wave of what will likely get pigeonholed as modern shoegaze. Sure, there are waves of noise battering your speakers, but there’s something deeper and more seductive. Veeka’s vocal work feels almost as if it’s nodding to radio pop of the late 80s/early 90s, kind of coy and spoken, though moments sneak out where she completely embraces the melody. It’s really an amalgam of influences, illustrating the band’s newfound cohesiveness…this only bodes well for Luxury, which drops on July 12th via Spoilsport.

Bug Seance Share Wavering + Release I’m Right Here

Portland’s Bug Seance just dropped their super excellent I’m Right Here EP, so those with a penchant to adore anthemic pop rock need to pay attention here. A careful guitar lines enters the picture, crisp and fairly ordinary in its presence; it’s a nice emotional vibe, but a quick set up as the band soon jumps in and rips the niceties away to pack a punchier pop rock tune right into your ears. While drums shatter the speakers and riffs rip through, there’s a bunch of dueling vocal parts that maximize the melodic nature at the band’s core. A bit of softness to coincide with the riotous nature that surrounds it…with a brief respite…then back into a full out wall of jams that will have you punching the air in earnest. If you’re into it, spend a minute with I’m Right Here.

Apifera Shares The Curious Wild

Are you a fan of the Clientele? In search of something of the same like? Might we point you in the direction of Apifera? The band draws influences from various jazz realms as well as post rock to create this world that takes on the gentleness of Sea and the Cake and carries the lost at sea aura of the aforementioned Clientele. And, just as one settles into expectations of where the song will go, they turn left and go into this futuristic breakdown that flexes their musical muscle, whilst still being beholden to a sense of majestic mystery. They band are set to release their new album, Keep the Outside Open on Jun3 21st, so be prepared to indulge.

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