Last Week’s Jams, Today (1.31 – 2.4)

I know I know. Playlists via Spotify are quickly becoming passe, and rightfully so, but at the moment, there’s still not an easily manipulated to collect songs from various places and put them into one killer playlist. So while we wait on Bandcamp to figure it out, let’s just ignore the devil in the corner. This last week we got a brand new album from Love, Burns, courtesy of us! And Jigsaw and KUS! Our homies in Brothers Griin also dropped a tune from their debut LP, not to mention a sweet jam from Skeggs. So here you go, here’s some stuff. To start Monday.

No Monster Club Drop the Trundling Path

If you thought that music of the indie sort had gone a bit stale, well, No Monster Club aim to kind of stretch your expectations. Their brand new single has this sort of chamber pop approach, utilizing horns and various arrangements that build the song, texturing note after note. As the track bounds along, it picks up a bit of a catchy, cacophonous stomp, like your favorite marching band hitting on the hooks you never knew you loved. And why wouldn’t they close it out with an exuberant jam to tie a bow around this brilliant piece of pop? Their album deadbeat effervescent is out on February 11th via Emotional Response.

Last Week’s Jams, Today (1.10 – 1.14)

Well, I will admit, there were so many songs last week that I loved that I may have gotten a touch carried away. I mean that new Methyl Ethyl with Stella Donnelly is a banger, plus new stuff from our friends in Blushing and the Reds Pinks and Purples! We even got to premiere some sweet tunes that only exist in special places, like our site, namely the latest from Yea-Ming and the Rumors and Good Grief. So, browse through this hour of tunes, and I beg you to find a bad one in there. You can’t! I’ll try to keep up the momentum this week!


No Monster Club Drop Save the Circus

Irish outfit No Monster Club have a new record coming your way this year, and they open up that announcement with a really fun tune, trying to “save the circus” for us all! From the get-go, the tune introduces this jangling bounce, filling out the corners of the tune with little bits of horns before the vocals come into play. When those vocals do drop in, they dominate the tune, operating like a ringmaster, controlling everything about the track, even pushing the pace in step with the drums during the chorus. The band will be dropping deadbeat effervescent on February 11th via Emotional Response.

Catchy Pop Number From Sir Bobby Jukebox

Though you may not know the name, Brisbane based Sir Bobby Jukebox, is definitely a guy you know us or from other music sites. Most of his time has been spent with his ATH approved band No Monster Club, be he’s also spent time with Grand Pocket Orchestra and Paddy Hanna. Basically, the dude is busy. Well now the magical music man is stepping out on his own with his first music as a completely solo musician. He’s offered this song “You Only Dance” as a preview for what he’s been working on and I’m immediately drawn into the catchy as hell beats and fun vibe. Though it clocks in at over 7 minutes, you will be finding yourself sucked in and engaged for the tracks entirety.

Even More From No Monster Club

Dublin’s own No Monster Club is currently one of the busiest bands in the game having released 5 EPs already in 2017. Being so relentless with releases this year, one might think the quality of music is watered down, but you’d be totally wrong. Maybe you’ll believe me after listening to this new fun pop single called “You Are Here”. If a song was ever ready for summer, it’s this bright and catchy new track from no Monster Club.

EP #5 of the year, Faqir – Hex, is now available for digital purchase on bandcamp.

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Pure Joy from No Monster Club

NMC_SLEEVE_PICThere’s a genre of music that’s undefined. That sort, like this new No Monster Club, doesn’t ask that you put it carefully in a box; instead, it begs you let your walls down and immerse yourself in pure enjoyment. For starters, you won’t find this new tune as your regular run-of-the-mill sort, so that’s already a bonus. Ultimately, you’re just going to leave your listening experience with a smile upon your face and enough inner joy to carry you through the rest of your day. The heralded Irish act is set to release their first ever Stateside EP via Emotional Response on September 16th…Pre-orders HERE.

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New Video and Album from No Monster Club

nomonsterclubWe ATH kids love us some No Monster Club and I was happy, yet also sad at my tardiness, when I found out that the band just dropped a new album.  So apologies for my brain fart out of the way, let us enjoy this new track and video from the band called “I’ve Retired”.  As expected, the band delivers with an awesome, fuzzy, and catchy rock number that no one can say no to.  Follow the jump for video and album deets.

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Noisy Little Rocker from No Monster Club

If you’re looking for a band that lives somewhere between Fresh and Onlys and Wavves, then let me introduce you to No Monster Club!  The group came to my attention as I was following one of my favorite smaller labels, CF Records.  They’ve recently helped this Irish trio put out a small small run of their newest LP, Dublin, and it’s a pretty solid introduction to the band.  Below you’ll find a rambunctious bit of garage pop filled with infectious hooks and a bit of disregard for hi-fi recordings.  Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t get this jam out of my head.


Download:No Monster Club – Be My Bone [MP3]

New Music From No Monster Club

No Monster Club is a Dublin band fronted by primary songwriter and founder Bobby Aheme.  Bobby formally played music by his lonesome but has since fleshed out his sound to incorporate a touring band.  Below you’ll find a sample of this new garage rock styling band in the form of “The Last Bottle in the World”.  A new EP is said to be coming soon from these guys so I expect you to pay attention.


 Download: No Monster Club – The Last Bottle in the World [MP3]

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