World Brain Share Open

Clearly spacing out and drifting into the ocean waters is heavily on my brain at the moment, thus why finding this tune from World Brain was perfect. It felt like this typical ambient piece, which I quite liked as the vibe was right in line with mine. But, then the vocals crept into the picture, and the keys stroked a higher pitch, reminding me of Air in a sense, pulling more jazz and lounge influences into the fold; it’s perfectly fitting for sitting around the pool with a nice chilly beverage in your hand. Enjoy letting this wash over you.

Add Some Noise To Your Day With Lazy Legs

12322715_920387561411444_3099514226370434551_oI’m all about finding a track of the day that begs to be turned up at full volume and then getting in my car to go to work and blasting said tune to its proper level of sound. Today’s tune that begs you to turn it up loud is called “Open” from Lazy Legs, who hail from Chicago. This track is a full on shredder, perfectly noisy and raucous, bringing you just enough lo fi fuzz on the guitars while the percussion rages awayunder it all with crashing cymbals.

Lazy Legs’ debut album, Visiondeath, will be out July 15th and you can preorder it here through their band camp page. There you can also hear another great single from the band called “Sparks.” Blast through your Wednesdaywith the band.


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