Elizabeth Drops Sweet Connection

It’s been really interesting watching the trajectory of Elizabeth the last few years. The Wonderful World of Nature still felt tethered, in some manner, to previous work, but with her Suite of Singles, it’s clear she’s fully embracing the role of budding pop star. This track opens with simple beat work, understated it seems, stuttering right before the release of the chorus, allowing a more angelic pitch to shift into play. Elizabeth is confident, and in that, you can tell that all things pop are fully in her grasp. It’ll be exciting to see how far the work gets pushed after the three track Suite of Singles is wrapped.

Elizabeth Shares Parties Video

Elizabeth is one of my favorite Australian voices; she’s previously been the leader of the wonderful Totally Mild, though her attention is now 100% on her own project. This video completely captures the feelings of the track’s lyrics, showing Elizabeth isolated in the foreground while parties rage on behind her, where she misses her ex partner. I found the track has this subdued enchantment; the guitars ring carefully while the beat stays calm and steady, building the tension for the release of the chorus. Clearly, Elizabeth owns the song, drawing you in with her powerful performance…she’s just incredible. Her debut solo effort, The Wonderful World of Nature will be out on Our Golden Friend on November 1st.

Poppongene Share Not Wrong Video

Poppongene might not be a name on everyone’s tongue just yet, but Sophie Treloar’s project definitely will turn some heads with this new single. At first, it’s the voice that really draws you in, dangling through your speakers as it allows for the guitars to carefully ring from behind. I was fully immersed, just lost in the song, much as our character is in the video, pushing through life. But, just after the 2 minute mark things start to take on a bit more volume, layers are added to continually flesh the track out…and with that Treloar’s voice reveals this beautiful softness that caresses your ear holes. This song will appear on a new EP via Our Golden Friend later this year.

Peak Twins Return with Beloved

Not too long ago, Peak Twins were getting some adoration from the masses, but they’ve been relatively quiet since 2013. Today that changes with the announcement of the group’s new LP, Beloved. “Water” is our first listen, accompanied by a gorgeous video employing mirror images, but ultimately it’s the song I’m in love with right now. All the verses reside in that casual pop arena popularized by many an Aussie outfit; they’re not pushing the envelop, merely caressing the natural melody within their songs. For my two cents, the special moment, aside from the nice little added arrangements, is the nice little change that comes for the first time around the 2 minute mark (also at 3:30); it’s just a mild directional turn, but plays in perfectly to the song’s aesthetic. Call it what you will, but Peak Twins have dropped one hell of a new number. The new LP will be out on June 28th.

Chitra Releases Video for Better Than Before

Late towards the end of 2018, there was a faint murmur of Chitra, who had signed on with Our Golden Friend to release a her debut EP. Today we get to enjoy this wonderfully penned ballad displaying her powerful voice. The instrumentation behind that voice is minimal, on purpose, allowing the vocals to carry the entirety of the tune, and boy do they. At times it’s a solemn croon, other times it moves into these higher pitched angelic tones; it seems Chitra knows no boundaries on her voice. This a striking first listen to an artists I’m sure we’ll here a lot more from in the next year!

Way Dynamic Share Video for Losing Touch

Not too long ago I raved about “Losing Touch,” the latest single from Way Dynamic, so today I’ll treat you to the video version, if only to reignite your interest in this great song. I don’t know how you can be a pop fan and not enjoy the feathery vocals draped over the strummed acoustic guitar and minimal rhythm section present here. And, don’t even get me started with how ridiculously good that chorus is. The band release their new EP, What’s It All for Now, this Friday. Shout out to our friend Lach whose playing drums in the video! Go listen to this song a lot, right now!

Chilled Pop from Way Dynamic

I love the simplicity of Melbourne’s Way Dynamic, especially on the latest single. It’s a pretty easy formula in my eyes, offering up light guitar strumming, minimal percussion and some warbling electronics for spiritual support. Of course, if the vocals weren’t so musically attractive it could all fall to pieces, though luckily that’s not the case, with the perfect care given to the melodies. It’s the best way to start out your Monday, drifting into this wintry mix outside my window. The band have a new EP titled What’s It All For Now, which will be released on November 16th via Our Golden Friend.

New Video from Moonlover

I wrote about Moonlover earlier this year as Quang Dinh was readying his album, Thou Shall Be Free…and now I wanted to share this video for the album’s “Wedding Day.” At times, it feels as if you’re approaching some beach front property in an arid climate, but the solemnity in Dinh’s voice also seems to lend itself to heartache…operating on the dynamic between dark and light. The video offers that same contrast, with black images moving upon lighter backgrounds. If the song piques your interest, then be sure to go grab the album HERE.

Moonlover Drops New Video

If you’re looking for an Australian artist to make some new waves abroad, then perhaps you should listen closely to this new video from Moonlover. It’s one of the standout tunes on the recently released Thou Shall Be Free LP, and the natural bounce of the song immediately had my attention. The track sort of has this casual beach vibe, feeling as if the spray from crashing waves just gently coats your skin. But, the song takes a slight turn at the 2 minute mark that’s charming; it’s just a slight turn in the way the vocals get delivered before settling back into the track’s melody. Just something for you to enjoy on this fine Tuesday morning; the LP is available via Our Golden Friend.

Nathan’s Favorite Oceanic Albums of 2017

For the 8 or so people who read this blog on the regular, you’ll likely be aware of my affection for all things Oceanic, primarily New Zealand and Australia. So, with year end lists in mind, I thought I’d offer up my personal takes on the best tunes to come out of the area in 2017. There’s no particular order, just my sixteen favorites of the year.

There’s even a fun little playlist at the bottom for you to enjoy!


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