Love This New PLAZA Single

Sometimes when you think bands no longer know how to rock, you come across a song like this new one from PLAZA, and you’re faith in rock is restored. Though “In the Know” does start as a fairly straightforward, chill indie song, it erupts into a more guitar driven rock song about 1 minute in. It reminds of a band like Super Furry Animals who also can lure you in with a mellow jam with the listener never really knowing when the next rising action may come. Prepare yourself for greatness.

PLAZA recently signed to Clue Records and are currently working on more new material.

Enjoying This PLAZA Track

PLAZA have featured on our site many a times, and why not give the band another go with their latest single. The guitar seems to sputter angularly, waiting to release the tension during the explosive chorus. Quickly, it settles down, letting the band manipulate your ears with a dreamy interlude, right before jumping right back in with a huge punch through your speakers. It’s great to see these lads toying with song structure while still building on the promise of their earlier singles. Oh the places they will go.

PLAZA Unveil New Single

While the following PLAZA tune is just over three minutes, I feel like it covers a lot of territory; there’s a lot of movement within the confines of the song. The band pulls back, lets guitars ring out and vocals soar, only to return to a semi-stationary spot. There’s this light-hearted quality that’s central to the song too, allowing for the band’s focus on melody to enter playfully before guitars screech and squall to match the distant shouted vocal. It all ends with a huge crash to close the tune out, showing us all that the band aims to create a huge sound with the release of their debut EP on April 14th via Behind the Wall Records.

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Brand New Plaza Tune

Opening with a huge wall of sound before settling into a nice groove immediately helps Plaza capture the ear of listeners. When the vocals enter with a careful touch, there’s a calming effect, though as they move into the chorus, you’ll hear a loud burst accompanied by more forceful vocal blasts. It’s an interesting piece, settling on post-rock that’s enforced by a British pop sensibility; I kind of hear bits of the Twilight Sad in here. Their first single in 2017 finds the band loud and soaring, and we’re all better off for it; you’ll surely hear a whole lot more from these guys as the year goes forward.

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PLAZA Has a Hit on Their Hands

plazaI really love the sound that PLAZA are unleashing into the world. It’s part indie rock, but there’s also an intricate guitar element that’s often labeled as mathematical rock. For my two cents, the band lives somewhere in between the space left by Foals and Field Music, using these sounds to craft hooks in a more artistic manner. No exact word on a full length, but this new single will be available over the weekend. It’s not your average fare, and I’m definitely down with that.

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Another Good One From Quilt

unnamed-12As you may know, Quilt are on their way to releasing their upcoming album, Plaza, on February 26th viaMexican Summer.In promoting said album, they’ve released yet another single for us to salivate over, this time in the form of “Roller.” This track is sleek and refined; the guitars take the form of tight knit riffs accompanied by the occasional twang of synth. Of course, the lush vocals of Anna Rochinski bathe the whole psych pop song in a bit of sunshine. While the lyrics may be somewhat scathing, you can’t help but smile and take in the warmth of those vocals, especially when they’re combined with the backing “ohs” of the rest of the band. Take a listen and get stoked forPlaza.


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