Last Week’s Jams (10.2 – 10.6)

Kind of a hectic week on my end over here, with RayRay being out of town, B.Gray getting ready to fest, and well, the usual life goes on. Managed to squeeze in a couple of phenomenal shows, so that’s a bonus, catching both Lewsberg and the Walkmen. Tons of fun songs hit last week, though admittedly, it seemed a bit thin in comparison to weeks gone by. Still, Onyon dropped fresh tunes, and Lower Plenty finally dropped their marvelous new No Poets LP. Loved that English Teacher bop, so chose it to start off the playlist. Unfortunately, one of my favorite tunes was that new Lightheaded, but it wasn’t streaming yet, so be sure to check in with Slumberland Records on that note. Monday is here. So is the music.

Population II Drops Fresh Video

On Friday, Montreal’s Population II drops their latest LP, Electrons libres du quebec, and I’m really stoked on the vibes, blending in these dark notes and swirling horns vibes then branching it into something that’s a bit of a dark edged pop twist. There’s a bit of heaviness and psychedelic lurking, though I can hear the track stretching to really push beyond those boundaries into something that feels almost like a final plea for joy. Then it twists and rolls into a bit of madness as the track shakes down into a broken jumble of rumbling jazzy rock n’ roll. Their new LP will be available Friday!

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