Super Rad Jam from Royal Headache

I’ve known this number was coming down the pipeline for a bit, and I just couldn’t wait much longer to share it with you!  Royal Headache is an Australian quartet destined to break out with their blend of joyous garage-soul fusion.  Royal Headache is fortunate to have their self-titled album picked up for US release by the always excellent folks over at What’s Your Rupture; they’ll have it ready for you on May 8th.  There’s this infectious energy in album track “Girls,” be it the steady pop streaming guitars or the playful crooning of Shogun on vocals.  We’ll all be fortunate to witness their invasion in June, after they stop by Austin to play several  Chaos in Tejas dates.  Get ready to fall in love with rock n’ soul.


Download: Royal Headache – Girls

Brand New Power Pop from Gentleman Jesse

For the last couple of years I’ve loved the purveyor of pure power-pop, Gentleman Jesse and his group of merry men from Atlanta.  He’s been working hard at his new record, Leaving Atlanta, which comes out on March 13th via Douchemaster Records.  One of the best things about the group, and this track below, is that the band just gives you straight up rock n’ roll.  There’s no frills, there’s no gags, it’s just an honest-to-god rock song. Still, that’s not always good enough for a lot of people, but those people are wrong, as this song’s got me pumping my fists in the air, tapping my feet on the ground, and ready for the rest of the release. Well played gentlemen.


Download:Gentleman Jesse – Eat Me Alive [MP3]

Noisy Power Pop from Sonic Avenues

Montreal has been known for kicking out some sweet jams, but you typically don’t get something as energized coming from the city as you’ll find here from Sonic Avenues.  The group is about to release their new album, Television Youth, on Dirtnap Records on January 15th, just in time for my birthday.  Based on this lead single, it’s going to be a bouncy effort, fueled by some grinding guitars that leave a little bit of dirt on the bottom of your shoes.  It’s high energy, and highly catchy, which leads me to believe I’m going to have a lot of fun with this full length–hope you do too!


Download: Sonic Avenues – Television Youth [MP3]

New Power Pop from The Spills

There’s not a lot that I know about The Spills at this moment, but I do know a good track when I hear one.  The British group has just released their album Occam’s Razor, and I’ve been giving it a good going over this evening.  There’s bits and pieces of power-pop, but you can tell there’s more intricate guitar play going on beneath, sort of like my heralded heroes in the Wedding Present.  Okay, so it’s not quite on that level, at least not yet, but the bass sounds similar and there’s definitely a personal touch to the lyrics. Give it a go. It won’t hurt.


Download: The Spills – Summer Vibes [MP3]

New Power Pop from The Barreracudas

Any of you out there still in love with the Exploding Hearts?  Well, you should be, but if you’re looking for something new to help stoke the old power-pop flame, you need to check out this new jam from The Barreracudas.  The band has a new album, Nocturnal Missions, coming out in stores on October 25th via Douchemaster Records.  It’s a pretty straightforward rocker, but in the best way possible.  I mean, come on, who doesn’t love sing-a-long rockers?  And, if you’re interested in the band, they’ll be touring the States next week, including a November 6th date in Austin at 29th Street Ballroom.


Download: The Barreracudas – Baby Baby Baby [MP3]

More New Music from The Sweet Ones

Just last week I bought a filthy bit of garage pop from The Sweet Ones, but this new track from their album Big Mistakes, which is out now, shows a little bit of a softer side.  Well, there’s definitely a bit of sloppiness, but it’s intentional; it gives the power-pop just enough to make you appreciate their grittiness. Surely you’ll find yourselves falling for this band as I have, at least I hope so.


Download: The Sweet Ones – Kids at the Bottom [MP3]

New Slacker Jam from Sleeping Bag

I sincerely doubt that the term “slacker” really applies to Sleeping Bag, and I’m sure they’d agree; however, you can’t help but see that unaffected approach to the lyrical delivery.  Still, the guitars are exactly what a lot of us look for, chugging along, somewhere between power-pop and garage rock.  This Indiana group just released their self-titled album, and it’s been a joy just going through these tracks one after another.  Somehow they have this personal affect over me, and it might be nostalgia, but I’m calling it just good tunes. Spin this, and be sure to support these guys if you like what you hear!


Download: Sleeping Bag – Slime [MP3]

New Song from The Happy Thoughts

Need a little pep in your step?  Well, then you’ve got to get into The Happy Thoughts, the newest power-pop band to burn a hole through my stereo.  The band is releasing their self-titled record on May 31st with Hozac, and it’s going to be one hell of a record, as I’ve already spun it halfa-dozen times since I got it late last night.  There’s good speed to this single, with a steady vocal delivery, and a little bit of grit in between.  You’ll find yourself yearning to blast these tunes as your speeding down the highway on that road trip by yourself.  Seriously, it’s going to be a helluva ride with The Happy Thoughts. [audio:]

Download: The Happy Thoughts – Sweet Dirty Love [MP3]

More New Tracks from I Was a King

The time is almost upon us for the great return of I Was a King.  Their new album, Old Friends, is heading your way January 25th, and while we’ve previewed some tracks, this is one of the standouts from the record, though I admittedly love it all.  It’s got a little bit more exploration than their traditional power-pop, using horns to build the wall of sound behind their sugary coating.  Like many of the songs on this album, it gets right to the point, hitting you over the head with pop simplicity at its best.  This band definitely deserves your adoration, so go ahead an revisit their last self-titled album, then jam to this track, that way you’ll be ready to get blown away come the end of January.


Download: I Was a King – Someone is Waiting [MP3]

From the Closet – The Exploding Hearts

explodinghearts1Seeing as it’s summertime around these parts, I’ve been creating lots of mixtapes in my head for various trips across the country.  One band that always makes the cut is The Exploding Hearts. Their brilliant punk meets power-pop career was cut short by a tragic accident that took three of the four founding members.  No amount of press would bring the greatness of this band back to us, but we will always have their delightful tunes to put on our mixtapes.


Download: The Exploding Hearts – You’re Black and Blue [MP3]

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