Brand New Milan to Minsk

When I first put on this new Milan to Minsk single, I was oddly reminded of “Electronic Renaissance” by Belle and Sebastian…a song that spun samples into the groundwork for a brilliant pop song. The sampling and slow opening of this single does precisely that, allowing the listener to adjust their ears before Daniel Rote makes his vocal entry. His turn of words and vocal tones is definitely akin to Dan Bejar (Destroyer), though I like the murkier quality of the music surrounding Rote; it begs you to immerse yourself into the song…it’s okay to get lost. This is a brilliant piece of constructive pop, setting the expectations high for the band’s new EP, Welcome to Hitler.

Video Premiere for Orlando furious

There are some artists who march to their own drum, and Orlando furious is one such act. Typically they work with samples and iPad apps to craft beat driven vibes, though this new tune is built around the backbone of an acoustic guitar sample, looped in with a warbling affect that may be disoriented. It’s a warped trip through the wonderful world of outsider pop, and the accompanying video only guarantees that status for OF, willing to craft music on terms they define. Tenth Court will be releasing Named Feelings, the new LP featuring “Rage” in early 2018, so stay tuned for more. Buy/stream the tune HERE.

Enjoy the Premiere of New Flotation Toy Warning

Sometimes bands accomplish the impossible; they sound familiar, yet you can’t pigeonhole their sound. Such is the latest from Flotation Toy Warning, seemingly drawing parallels from the likes of Flaming Lips or Destroyer, yet with just a hint of Antony’s warble. It’s complex in so many ways, almost as if instruments are shifting tempo simultaneously. Your head will spin in ecstasy as you try to place exactly what you’re hearing, and in that, you’ll find yourself drifting off into the day. On October 13th you’ll be able to get your hand on this encouraging masterpiece, The Machine That Made Us, via Talitres.


Brand New Track from The Sour Notes

Local Austin favorites The Sour Notes are gearing up for the release of their next LP, Darkest Sour...and good news for you is we have a brand new single to share with you, and it might just be the band’s best track yet! “On Yer Mark” walks on the poppier side of indie rock, dwelling in that light-hearted realm that’s been owned by acts such as The Pains of Being Pure at Heart. The guitar chords have that angular jangle while keyboards push through the crowd. Jared Boulanger’s voice has the perfect softness to ride the song out, especially when we get the female accompaniment to polish off the pop substance. I’m just sitting here smiling, and I’m sure you’ll be doing the same. Plus, if you’re in Austin, the band play Thursday evening over at Cheer Up Charlies…and I’m sure their set will include many new hits for your ears!

Photo Credit: Vineet Gordhandas

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She Sir Returns With New Album

Those of you that know of my appreciation for indiepop and the like will surely be aware of how much I adore Austin’s She Sir. Today we’re here with this brand new tune to announce the release of their new LP, Rival Island. Even if you’re not aware of the band, this is a great place to start, as the guitar work here is exactly what makes the band so special…sometimes it’s jangling, sometimes it’s circular, sometimes it’s dreamy. Russell’s voice sounds perfect behind it all (soft and understated), providing what continues to seem like effortless pop of the best sort. There are few, if any, that do it better than She Sir, so look for the new album from Shelflife on July 21st.

Brand New Deep Cuts Single + Sade Cover

Houston’s Deep Cuts have been on our radar for some time, as they’re always putting out important pop music in the Lone Star State (or so says I). They just passed this brand new single our way, a song highlighting the sentiment of being surrounded by pseudo-friends and deciding whether to sit back and enjoy it, or just go on and get high. Even with the dark sentiment, you can’t escape the band’s uplifting pop vibes coming your way.

And speaking of pop music, the band put an incredible spin on Sade‘s “Hang On to Your Love,” taking the natural groove and dripping it with textured synth and a more impactful beat. The band has a slew of Texas dates, and then they hit up Brooklyn for an AdHoc sponsored show on July 7th. Rest easy “Friends,” pop music will save you.

Brand New Lung Letters Tune

One of the great thing about living in Austin is the abundance of bands trading friends and members to begin new projects, such as Lung Letters. The band takes members from acts like A Giant Dog and Flesh Lights, both whom we adore. As you’d expect, there’s a heavy handed rock n’ roll at work here, with Jeremy Steen handling the band’s vocal ferocity. If you’ve managed to catch the act live, then you’re already on board, but for those who haven’t, this track does a pretty good job of capturing the group’s energy on recor; there’s an animalistic quality not many can claim as their own. I’m particularly enjoying the moment between 1.45 and 2.30, bringing in some sly little hooks (reminds me of late 90s post-hardcore) before erupting into finale. Look for the Passing Days EP this Friday via Super Secret Records.

Stream Strange Durations from Edmonson

With all the nods to pop music, you very rarely find something as endearing (and creative) as Edmonson‘s Strange Durations. Through ten songs, the brothers from Gainesville build layer upon layer of extravagant harmony, experimenting with various flourishes throughout. Songs like “Turnings” see the band experimenting with balladry, with a bouncing piano that moves into a more elegant territory as the vocals reach for angelic tones. I love how the lyrical content reflects the changes in the mundane, such as on “Mobius Strip;” it’s a thematic element that allows every listener a chance to find their own phrase to latch onto in the end.

Don’t rush through your listening of this stream, as it is not an album you can fully absorb without giving attention to the finer details within its confines. There’s such care to every movement, and every note that you’ll quickly find yourself lost deep within Strange Durations. It’s out today via Elestial Sounds Records.

Brand New Tunabunny Tune

You’d be excused if Tunabunny haven’t quite landed on your radar, but you’d also be missing out on one of indie rock’s special secrets. They’re set to release their 5th album, a 28 song double LP titled PCP Presents Alice in Wonderland Jr, hitting on June 23rd via HHBTM. Rumor has it that this is their response to the White Album, and our first listen should put you on notice that you’re in for a great ride. The subtle groove working beneath the track is sublime, but the vocals have this seductive sugar to it that allows the band to walk the fine line between artand pop sensibility. If you can’t find yourself falling head over heels for this tune, then I think your speakers are broken.

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