Premiere: Lola Tried Unleash Single + EP News

I’ve watched Lauren Burton bust her ass about town for the last few years, and her hard work is really paying off with her new project, Lola Tried. The four piece have crafted a wonderful debut EP, and we’ve got your first listen right here. This track has Lauren opening, looking back on the past, and while the lyrics pull from the hardened times of growing up, there’s an emphatic confidence to her voice. She’s got great control as the band fills in the space behind her, rolling drums and chords that add an appropriate amount of edge to the tune. It’s a sign of a band that offers the rougher side of pop music,filled with sincerity and hooks; you’ll be able to get your hands on the Popsicle Queen EP at the band’s release show at Cheer Up Charlies on February 16th…or buy directly from the band.

Premiere: New Video from John Wesley Coleman

You’re a mere four days away from the release of Microwave Dreams, the newest release from John Wesley Coleman. Having been fortunate enough to listen to the record a few times before it hits the streets, I can honestly say that it holds some of the best songs JWC has written to date (and that’s a whole lotta songs!). The song has a pretty simple message, seemingly a coming of age tune with the acceptance of adulthood. It’s a message further emphasized by the accompanying video, which has Mr. Coleman out on a family adventure here in Austin; the video is endearing, which hints at some of the themes running through the new LP. You can grab that LP from Super Secret Recordsthis Friday!

Premiere: Stream Lost in Between EP from Sonic Visions

I’ve talked about Finland’s Sonic Visions here before, and we’re fortunate enough to be able to bring you the stream of their Lost in Between EP a week before its release on Soliti Music. The band seems to have found the perfect place where the pop sensibility of early Oasis meets the cascading noise of Jesus and the Mary Chain. It’s not quite shoegaze, yet not quite full Brit pop…it really does live in between the two, which should definitely captivate listeners all across the globe. It’s a short collection that I’m sure is more than worth your listening time, and in fact, it’s actually required (by me). Go ahead, get ready for a great musical treat.

Premiere: Meet Magic Rockers of Texas

Like all great songwriters, you can’t keep them down for long, so we’re glad Jim Campo has emerged from the end of Berkshire Hounds to bring together another collection of folks to create Magic Rockers of Texas. This is a fast paced bit of indie rock, fueled by guitar chords that cut across the risk as huge vocal hooks blast through during the chorus. The band settles into a mini breakdown in the song’s latter half, only to burst through once again with a huge wall of memorable pop. You’ll hear from the bandon theirnew Rugged Braids EP, which is slated for a release on March 3rd, but you can only get this jam directly from the group!

Premiere: Western Homes Video + Super Secret Show

Just before the year closed, Western Homes released a great self-titled EP (you can buy it right HERE), and now there’s a brand new video to go with the track “Mind the Gap.” The track itself is a pretty bare bones affair, mostly consisting of vocals and guitar work, but it’s the unique quality of the vocals that always attracts me…it’s part guttural punk rock and part balladeer. In the video we find Westy in a contemplative mode, set against various local backdrops and bedroom shots. It’s a great way to get into Western Homes, and a great way to get into the catalog of Super Secret Records…who are having a showcase tonight at Beerland with Quin Galavis, New Berlin, Nick Allison and, of course, Western Homes!

Premiere: Ty Richards Readies Zillion

In covering music in Austin, we’re bound to miss someone falling through the cracks, and unfortunately it’s been Ty Richards…until now. We’re really excited to share the first single from his forthcoming album, Zillion. Ty writes, records and mixes his record all on his own terms, often writing the songs before going back to fill in the lyrical content, as he did on this new number, where he ended up writing an anthem for the nice guys out there. Musically, there’s a groove within the song that might pay lineage to the finer moments of Spoon’s pop sensibility, providing a bubbling bounce…although it’s spun in a broader encapsulation of pop, capturing elements of psychedelia as well. Look for his new LP everywhere on February 3rd!

Premiere: Broken Chairs Release Rad Single

brokenchairsProbably one of my favorite emotional pulls in music is the rushing feeling of falling off the tracks; it’s like losing control, yet you know the artists have you covered. When I listen to this excellent rocker from Broken Chairs I feel like the world is rushing in, crashing all around me. It’s jagged punk with the slightest melodic semblance that leads to the track’s infectious quality; you’ll memorize it, lose yourself in it and ultimately find it a memorable listen from start to finish. If you love the song, as you should, then go ahead and check out their BANDCAMP and grab yourself a copy.

Premiere: Dusken Lights Give Video Service to Lodestar

I’ve previously written about the delightful pop record released by Dusken Lights, and now the band has provided the album standout “Lodestar” the video treatment. In the video you’ll find images of observation and celebration woven together, emanating a certain feeling of joyousness. It fits in well with the vibe of the song, providing a casual journey of folk-inspired indiepop. The band employs bits of electronics and a female vocal counterpoint to give the song balance; it layers the inherent melody, captivating your ears within seconds. In the Service of Spring is the title of the latest album, and you can find it HERE.

Premiere: New Album from Dreamboat + Release Show

dreamboaAustin’s Dreamboat have been kicking out pop tunes around the city for the last few years, and they’re set to release their new album, Loose Tooth, tomorrow. When listening through these new tracks, I think my favorite bit is the strength of the diversity within the collection. Mary Bryce has this huge bold voice, buton “Neighborhood Bar” she gets to play the balancing harmony; it doesn’t hurt that this tune also sounds like a campfire celebration. Of course, the sultry pop hit of “Spent the Day Lying in Bed” is a great place to spend some repeated plays; you’ll definitely love the way the guitar chords dance around. Personally, “New England” is my personal jam, but I’ll let you press play on the stream below to find your favorite.

The band celebrate the release of Loose Tooth tomorrow at band member Jake’s house. Message them for details!

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Premiere: New Track from The Gods Themselves

godsthemselvesThe Gods Themselves are readying the preparation of Be My Animal, which is being released early next year, and with that, they’re taking aim at “tech boys” with their latest single. Musically, it reminds me a lot of a Chromeo meeting up with Electric Six…hitting hard with an electro crunch and a soulful vocal drawl. The song deals with the band’s disenchantment with the influx of tech industry and its workers into the city of Seattle (take note Austin readers!); the band are none too happy with the bravado and entitlement that’s been brought into their city. Still, what makes a great track is its ability to sneak under your skin and stay there. Look for the group’s new LP on January 20th of next year.

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