Last Week’s Jams (11.6 – 11.10)

It may not have been a week covered in big names, but there were tons of ridiculously quality tunes dropped this last week. We had tons of ATX stuff, from Daily Worker to Wet Dip to S.L. Houser to Voxtrot, so we were all over that. I fell in love with Dumb Things, which is the Aussie outfit opening up this week’s playlist. But, it’s probably a toss up for me whether the new track from The Witching Waves got more plays than that new Weakened Friends. A ripper of a week with some new names we hadn’t come across before like Amelia Coburn, so give the whole mix a Monday morning spin.

New Single From Psychic Shakes

It’s been far too long since I sang the praises of Max McLellan and his UK based musical project Psychic Shakes so I plan to remedy that today. Here for your listening pleasure if the new single, “Unfold You,” which is taken from the upcoming new album Forever Now. The single has a really simple, electronic beat driving things with a looping guitar and ever so delicate crescendos and shifts. It’s truly a lovely piece of songwriting.

Forever Now is due out on November 17th via Good Eye Records.


Groovy Tune From Psychic Shakes

On this bright and sunny Monday morning, might I suggest you check out this new song called “Suddenly” from Brighton based group Psychic Shakes. Max McLellnm, the musician behind the Shakes moniker, has been on our radar since back in 2016, but we haven’t heard a whole lot from him since. Now it seems McLellnm has moved away from some of his surfier, bright pop vibes, and moved into a more groovy, R&B inspired pop sound. One can definitely find themselves getting a bit lost in the entrancing, mellow vibe of this track.

Psychic Shakes will release a new EP entitled Unsaid sometime later this year on Good Eye Records.


Surfy Indie Rock From Psychic Shakes

13938415_230312840702243_2574610887988297957_nThings are winding down in the music world as we near end of the year holidays and lists, so don’t hate on me too much for being slightly late to the party on this one. Psychic Shakes is your new favorite indie rock band…you just don’t know it yet. The solo project of Southampton’s Max McLellan, this act is just getting underway, but this new track, “Wasting Time,” shows that you should keep your ears peeled for anything from the gentleman. When you start the song you are greeted with a funky bass and percussive intro, but then those sharp guitars cut in and you have a hazy surf rock gem on your hands. Take a listen below.

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