Balmorhea Share Video for Range

When Balmorhea drop a single, I’ve come to expect a stunning visual component to accompany said release, as the band cares a great deal about their conceptual vision. This go round, the visuals were created in partnership with Odd.Company, and it appears as if you have two pieces overlapping one another; at times, they seem to meld and shimmer and mold into one vision, only to move and shift in movement with the song, switching what your eyes see. Now musically, it says a lot that that band’s brevity on this single can still captivate, but whether that’s due to the visual or the tender tones of the song, I’m not sure. I am sure, however, that this piece will fit delicately into the greater vision the band have for their new album, Pendant World, out June 16th via Deutsche Grammophon.

New Album from Twin Library

twinlibraryI like to spend my weekend searching the old Interwebs for great music that a lot of people have ignored, and I didn’t have to go too far to find Twin Library, who I’ve talked about before.  The group quietly released They Were Marked as Targets this weekend, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed spinning the record over the last few hours.  It’s really subtle indie rock with quiet melodies and memorable lyrics, making the perfect soundtrack for the gently sweeping change in Fall weather.  The band has been kind enough to offer up the album for the PWYW price, and as always, we suggest you donate something to keep great music coming our way.


Download: Twin Library – Range [MP3]

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