Balmorhea Share Video for Range

When Balmorhea drop a single, I’ve come to expect a stunning visual component to accompany said release, as the band cares a great deal about their conceptual vision. This go round, the visuals were created in partnership with Odd.Company, and it appears as if you have two pieces overlapping one another; at times, they seem to meld and shimmer and mold into one vision, only to move and shift in movement with the song, switching what your eyes see. Now musically, it says a lot that that band’s brevity on this single can still captivate, but whether that’s due to the visual or the tender tones of the song, I’m not sure. I am sure, however, that this piece will fit delicately into the greater vision the band have for their new album, Pendant World, out June 16th via Deutsche Grammophon.

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