Feeble Little Horse Announce Girl with Fish

After the deserved success for Modern Tourism, Feeble Little Horse has been on a meteoric rise, at least when it comes into the indie sphere. There’s something refreshing about the band’s approach, as they’ve been quoted as saying “anything that makes us laugh or keep a smile on our faces, we usually keep in the songs.” To me, that’s what makes the band fun, they’re doing it for the camaraderie, for the joy of creating art together, and that shines through on this new track, as there’s an organic nature to the way they switch back and forth between vibes, throwing in the odd little guitar line tickle here and there for emphasis. They release Girl with Fish via Saddle Creek on May 27th.

Meet the SXSW Band: Pendant

As we mentioned in our premiere post yesterday, that ‘lil festival called SXSW is going down in just a few short weeks and we at ATH are trying to support bands and artists as best we know how. Before we head to their shows and buy some merch, the best thing we can do is simply talk to the artists and get their varied perspective on what it means to play SXSW. Today I am thrilled to be sharing the next artist in our series, PENDANT, which is the musical moniker for Los Angeles based recording artist Christopher Adams. He offered some truly thoughtful and detailed insight into the festival. See his response along with tunes and current show dates after the jump.

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Have Another Hit From Disq

My Wisconsin based pals in Disq are really looking like they’ll be releasing one of my top albums of the year in the next few weeks. We’ve already released one banger of a single from the upcoming album, with now another one entitled “The Hardest Part” dropping today. I love this band’s ability to show a clear alt-rock, sort of Midwest inspiration with these delicate hints of shoegaze and emotion for a remarkable sound, truly their own. You’ll definitely want to go ahead and pre-order the new album, Desperately Imagining Someplace Quiet, coming out on October 7th via Saddle Creek. It’s stunning.

Straight Banger From Disq

If for some reason you are still sleeping on Wisconsin based indie risers Disq, it’s time for you to start paying attention to what’s happening in the music world. Today the band is adding yet another banger to their repertoire with this stunning new single “(With Respect To) Loyal Serfs”. I often throw around that word “banger” when referring to songs that are full of energy and let loose, but I wish my slow moving brain today could think of an even better adjective to convey the sheer joy I’m feeling from this guitar heavy indie rocker. Just check it out and enjoy.

Disq will release new album Desperately Imagining Someplace Quiet on October 7th via Saddle Creek.

Required Listening: Another New One From Stef Chura

This track may have dropped yesterday, but we’re big fans of pretty much everything Stef Chura has done and is doing, so we’d be remiss not to share another hit from the artist. “Sweet Sweet Midnight” features another familiar voice in the form of Car Seat Headrest‘s Will Toledo, which compliments Chura’s dry yelp so well, you’ll be wishing for a supergroup from the two. Instrumentally, the track is kind of minimalist at times before it ramps up to its killer and somewhat violent ending. Chura’s new album,Midnight, will be out on June 7th via Saddle Creek and apparently Toledo’s influence is on the rest of the album as well. Be sure to pre-order your copy of what will surely be a smash LP.

New Single From Rural Alberta Advantage

Much has been said on this here website about Toronto based band Rural Alberta Advantage. Though with all that coverage in the past, we’ve somehow managed to completely flake on posting about the band’s latest album. I’m rectifying our foolishness with a quick blurb about the group’s most recent single “Toughen Up”. This really is typical RAA music here with always impressive vocals from Nils Edenloff, beautiful harmonies from Robin Patch, and a reliable tight, folk rock sound throughout.

New album The Wild is out on October 13th via Saddle Creek (pre-order).

In Love with This Sam Evian Tune

In the late 90s, thanks to a few friends, my musical tastes gradually began to change. I fawned over tunes by the Glands, Beulah and Grandaddy…and for some reason Sam Evian‘s new single brings that period to mind. There’s this incredible craftsmanship, no doubt aided by his collaboration with Chris Cohen, but even with that, it still maintains this lighthearted quality that allows you to lose yourself completely, overtaken by a general pleasantness. It’s smooth pop, with hints of California sunshine; I think I could play this song all day long. Look for the collaborative EP with Chris Cohen to be released by Saddle Creek on October 6th.

Graceful Track From Hand Habits

This new song from Hand Habits is a winner. It’s the kind of track that just feels right– the kind of song that plays in your mind when the pieces of life all seem to fall together in their proper places. “yr heart,” is melodic and warm, with unapologetically romantic lyrics like “you are heat/you are serenity” that go tandem with the gentle folksy instrumentals comprised of lush acoustic guitar and soft percussion. Take a listen and fall in love a little bit.

This song is being released as a part of Saddle Creek’s Document Series. Pick up your copy here.

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Rural Alberta Advantage Return with New Album

mendThe last Rural Alberta Advantage album, Departing, still plays quite frequently in my rotation of millions of albums.  There’s something about the band’s combination of folk-influenced rock and Nils Edenloff’s vocals that just gets in my soul, refusing to ever let go of it’s stranglehold on my ears. This song has the band opening softly, just for a moment, before the group blasts off with this pummeling roll of the drums and gang vocals from Edenloff and Amy Cole; the rest is about as good as it gets. Look for their album, Mended with Gold, on September 30th via Saddle Creek.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/157293795″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

PUJOL Continues His Garage Pop Career

pujolYou’ve likely heard about PUJOL on these pages before, as we’re always clamoring for whatever new music Daniel Pujol is working on. He just announced that he’ll be releasing KLUDGE, his newest album,on May 20th with Saddle Creek.  The Nashville artist still holds onto his DIY garage aesthetics, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that his songwriting is taking a liking towards a more pop-centric writing style.  It doesn’t hurt his songs though, as you’ll clearly see this one as just another hit from one of our favorite songwriters.


Download: PUJOL – Pitch Black [MP3]

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