Step Outside The Norm With Flora Cash

14884626_1090558500993196_6507523934953729105_oMaybe it’s the period of turmoil we’ve entered into, but I’m feeling like widening my musical horizons, and Flora Cash is making music that appeals to my conventional tastes but pushes a little beyond that as well. Take “Sadness Is Taking Over,” for example. It’s a beautiful blend of pop, folk, and a little bit of subtle hip hop. Starting in the folk-realm, you get simple acoustic guitar and vocals, but then the percussion mixes in and you know that the track is going to be a bit more complicated than your average folk tune. You get very-bass-heavy percussion, which almost comes across as a drop, albeit a much calmer and cooler one, when you get to the chorus. The vocals are soft and haunting throughout the whole tune, but the chorus is damn catchy and cuts deep. Look out for more music from this Scandinavian duo.

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