SXSW 2014 Interview: Withered Hand

witheredhandpressphotoSXSW coverage continues this week with Scottish band Withered Hand.  They’re heading overseas just in time for the release of their album, New Gods, which is coming to us courtesy of Slumberland Records/Fortuna Pop.  Both labels are reliable, and the music has already proven to be worthy of high praise. Read on for the band’s answers to our questions, and look forward to dates featuring the band coming soon. Read more

New Jam From Holy Esque

2012HolyEsquePR240112Holy Esque is a Scottish band we discovered a couple of years ago after hearing their irresistible tunes on the interwebs.  Luckily for us, the band has decided to stop in for our little SXSW festival in March AND are giving us this new single “Silences”.  It’s yet another tune where you can feel the emotion and power behind every guitar note and vocal yell.  I’ve already got these guys near the top of my festival to watch list.  I recommend you do the same.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Introducing: Yakuri Cable

735063_353717624744872_767844581_nGlasgow continues to be almost like an American version of Brooklyn with countless quality indie bands popping up what seems like daily.  This new act to me, Yakuri Cable, is yet another band from the area that has perked up my ears today.  Their sound immediately makes me think of fellow Scots My Latest Novel as the minimalistic and deep vocals could almost be the same lead singer.  Is it?  Things veer away from comparisons as the band add in some interesting synths in the back and give us a nice little pop rock out with this song “Line of Sight”.  

If you’re into it, the band have a full 5 song EP entitled Beginnings available for stream on bandcamp.


Download: Yakuri Cable – Line Of Sight [MP3]

Indie Pop Bobbing with The Occasional Flickers

31230_121908194514116_3251031_nThere’s gotta be something in the water in Scotland that encourages the development of indie pop bands.  I can name a handful of bands that are on my all time favorites list, and a growing list of acts that keep pushing exporting great pop records.  My latest discovery is The Occasional Flickers who will soon be releasing their new single on Cloudberry Records.  There’s definitely an homage to early B&S here, with that driving guitar line that fits perfectly with the vocal melody; you’ll find yourself hooked to this track in absolutely no time at all.  Cheers to you Scotland, and your wonderful indie pop exports!


Download: The Occasional Flickers – Capitalism Begins at Home [MP3]

New Ballad from Calm as the Colour

It’s a good thing I have some sort of lineage in Scotland, otherwise I’d feel sort of odd about the way I fawn over their musicians.  I’m pretty sure this is the second Scottish track I’ve posted this week, and I’m okay with that.  Calm as the Colour is a four-piece (again not from Glasgow), and I was completely caught off guard when I heard the work they’ve put in on their recent Tomorrow Belongs to a World Apart EP.  It’s got four great tracks, and this one in particular approximates my love of both loud guitars and tight-knit guitar-monies.  It’s a pretty pop ballad, and sometimes those do just the trick!


Download:Calm as the Colour – Sometimes [MP3]

More New Rockers From PAWS

It’s been a long, slow week and I feel like it’s time for some good ‘ol honest rock music in my life to perk things up a bit.  I’m satisfying my desires with not one, but two new songs coming your way from Glasgow based rock group PAWS.  Both songs are fairly straight forward rock tunes with nice drum action behind simple guitars and dual vocal duties.  I’m on board with Nate and also giving them my stamp of approval.  As previously mentioned, PAWS have a new album entitled CokeFloat! coming out on October 6th via FatCat.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&show_playcount=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”136″ iframe=”false” /]

New Old Music from Malcolm Middleton

Long have I adored the work of Malcolm Middleton, ever since he worked in Arab Strap.  Luckily, since it’s raining, I opted to pick up his new LP, which is basically his first album of recordings that never saw the light of day until now.  He’s been really busy lately, or so it seems on his site, so I’m happy to pick up A Quarter Past Shite.  It’s mostly Malcolm and his guitar, with a real melancholy bent on the lyrical matter.  Apparently, the sadness of the songs kept him from publishing it until now, but I’m glad he did, as it makes for a great listen on this dreary day here in Austin.


Download: Malcolm Middleton – New Blue [MP3]

Fun Fest Interviews: We Were Promised Jetpacks

Man it seems like Fun Fest was ages ago at this point and we’ve been lagging just a bit behind on our post festival coverage as far as interviews go.  It probably has a lot to do with the complete lack of experience I have with video editing software…  So yes, the cat is out of the bag, ATH decided to do some video interviews over the festival weekend for the very first time and we’re hoping you’ll enjoy this new component of the site.  In the future, we’re hoping to begin incorporating more and more video with our interviews, lost in austin series, and more general videos featuring new music.  We’re like so 2011 now. Without further ado, follow the jump for our Fun Fest VIDEO interview with Sean and Mike from We Were Promised Jetpacks.

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