Puddled Prep Self-Titled EP

Naomi Davidoff is no stranger to writing great tracks, having played in Baltimore’s Spooled Up. But, things change, life moves on, and Naomi began Puddled, who are prepping their self-titled EP for the masses this Fall. What hasn’t changed, however, is Naomi’s drive to incorporate a love of 90s alternative rock into her songwriting, with names like the Breeders being thrown around most often. Personally, that seems mostly due to some of the vocal tones that Davidoff takes on, as there’s certainly a modern flex in the craft, embracing the adoration for driving walls of noise as drums echo like artillery shells. And sure, the vocals do their job to hold tight to nostalgia, but a sound this powerful is built for the present, so keep your eyes out for their Puddled EP, out via Crafted Sounds on September 26th.

Ghost Fan Club Announces New EP

When you put on this new Ghost Fan Club single, perhaps like me, you’ll hear a bit of the ghost of Modest Mouse in their earliest stages. The guitars bend and twang in a similar fashion, though admittedly, they’re a little bit more toned down, energy-wise, in this presentation. That pacing allows the vocals to also relax, grab on to darker tones and mellower notes that ride just beneath the current of the tune. Thrown together, it all makes for a solemn listen, but one that begins to pull you within it as the track unwinds before you. They’ll release their new Ghost Fan Club EP on July 5th via Knifepunch Records.

No Drama Share MFNM Single

Last week we brought you news that our friends over at Hidden Bay Records/Seitan’s Hell Bike Punks were going to jointly release a new collection of songs by French band No Drama. Today, we have a fresh single that we hope will get your eyes and ears on the project. This one grabbed me immediately, bringing in some really light guitar notes that rang in my ears, allowing the song to set the mood before you even get a bit of vocals. When the vocals roll into the scene, they’re light, careful not to disrupt the pop structure coming through; you even get an added melodic brush with backing vocals. Still, the shifts and changes aren’t done, as you begin to hear a heavier riff working beneath the surface; the tension builds and the song carries more volume, pushing a grungy punch. I could probably, and hopefully, listen to this song all day. The self titled EP drops on November 3rd.

Deary Share Video for Sleepsong

It’s a great morning to slide into the dreamy realms of Deary; the opening sparkle of the guitar notes fit perfectly with the raindrops trickling down the window of my classroom. Those same notes build a faint hint of promise, opening the song to the vocals, working from the bottom of the mix, almost operating as pure texture in the cavernous dream world the group is crafting. And yes, the title’s absolutely fitting, as you can easily find yourself drifting into dreamland as you immerse yourself into the tune; I hear it as a sleepier Beach House, letting the melodies and hooks hide in the shadows a bit more. Deary will release their self-titled EP on November 17th via Sonic Cathedral.

Healing & Peace Release New EP

I get sent tons of music, and I honestly give everything at least 30 seconds. Some stuff goes right in the delete pile, but then there’s something like Healing & Peace that just begs you to share with your friends. The band is comprised of players from Future Nuns and Kneeling in Piss, neither of which were on my radar, but now I also have that to look towards. For my meaningless two cents, the group reminds me of a folkier version of Television Personalities, with sprinkles of Comet Gain atop the mix to provide an added layer of cheer for nerds like me. I definitely felt awestruck when I turned on “New Utopian Futures;” the dual vocals easily win here. You’ll find a couple of punkier numbers in the mix too, like “Roman a Clef” or “Falling Down Laughing.” Stream the whole thing below!

Ecstatic International Share Disruptor + Release EP

This new track from Ecstatic International has been bouncing about for a few days, but I wanted to be sure I gave it some love, particularly on a Wednesday when we could all use a little kick in the middle of the work week. The band is made up of ex-members of Ex Hex and Priests, so they’ve got the indie cred resume established, but I’m more intrigued by their sound. This single flirts with a bit of post-punk that seems to rely equally on elements of punk as it does disco; it’s like a more primal version of the early Rapture. There’s some obvious references working through the tune, but I’ll let you sit back and enjoy yourself. Their self-titled EP is out there in the world via Sister Polygon Records.

Iceblynk Share Debut Single, Tragic

The opening moment of the debut Iceblynk single grabbed me immediately; it teased me as if I was going to fall head over heels into the land of dense post-punk with wee little jangles. But, the song sort of evolves into something more spiritual, just on the cusp of dreaminess. When Andrea Lynn’s vocals hit, it sort of sets the song spinning differently; she’s got these sharp tones that seem to contrast with the vibe, but their ethereal nature ends up punctuating the bits and pieces that bring the song together. The song’s fade out really ups the ante too, so be sure to dive into the drama. The band will release their self-titled debut EP on October 21st!

Michael Beach Shares Only a Memory

I feel like Michael Beach‘s new record is like my own personal birthday party, with each song a new little gift waiting to be unwrapped. Today’s single is a melancholy ballad built upon a piano ballad, moving gradually as Beach carefully narrates with a solemn vocal performance. You get these discordant little elements of interlude in the song’s latter half, building on the promise that we’re going to get a little bit of experimental mood pieces collected for this new release. There’s this great little emphatic moment just before the 2 minute mark that I really appreciated, adding some punctuation to the tune too, so listen closely there. The self-titled EP will be out on September 30th via Goner/Poison City.

Kramies Share Owl and the Crow Video

If you’re looking for that emotionally transportive tune for your day, then might I suggest you invest a little bit of time in this new track from Kramies. Both the video and the song begin in sort of a dense fog, a sort of blur on the edges of an acoustic strum, setting you up for a track that will weave its way in and out of your speakers. An emphatic chorus gives off a heavenly little buzz, aided by an accompanying vocal accent; it allows for the song to push the limits of your expectations, feeling the tune swell through your speakers despite the intimate nature of the acoustic strum. There’s something haunting here too, particularly when listened with the accompanying film, as you never seem able to completely focus, like you’re just barely holding the song in your consciousness before it seeps into the inner-workings of your mind. If you dig, Kramies, the band’s new LP will be out on September 9th via VanGerrett Records.

Michael Beach Announces New EP

Our old pal Michael Beach is back at it, today bringing news from Australia that the songwriter will be releasing a new self-titled EP this Fall. Below we’ve got the the first sneak listen, with a track that feels like a feverish march on our sanity. For me, there’s really two sides to what Beach and company are doing. Musically, there’s this furious push and pounding rhythm, setting up the song as a sort of punk rock party anthem. But, Michael’s vocals are extremely steady in that mix, headstrong and just a melody above spoken word; it gives him this sort of rocker croon that slides right into the grooves. Stoked to see he’ll be touring the US this Fall, with a stop at Goner Fest…speaking of, Goner Records is putting out the EP along with Poison City on September 30th.

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