Shopping Drop For Your Pleasure Video

The new Shopping LP is out in just a few weeks, and this new single has the sound spinning styles just a bit differently. They’ve been brandishing these sort of punk stabs, but this time, while staying true, they give you more of a dance punk feel. It’s a pulsing vibe that seems perfectly geared for dance floors, especially when those little synth lines come in to the party just before the minute mark. I really like the soft vocals that sort of get slid in throughout, juxtaposed with the harsher delivery that generally adds rhythm to the track. All or Nothing is out February 7th via FatCat Records.

The 2018 Buckaroo Ball at SXSW (3/14)

Our good friend Mike has been coming in every year from Scotland, and the last few years, he’s put together a great show featuring folks from his home country; he’s dubbed it the Buckaroo Ball. This year he returns to Hotel Vegas for the party; things will kick off at 7 PM sharp! There are tons of great bands, several of whom have made some huge waves in the US already…with a couple others worthy of attendance. Shopping and Catholic Action will be big draws for you, but don’t miss out on Breakfast Muff, Lylo, Lucia and Tijuana Bibles. The Scottish scene is hugely influential in our indie rock scene, both past and present, so go get yourself a little taste! You’ll find some hits after the jump!

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The ATH Top 50 Albums of 2015

Albums ListYear-end lists are everywhere…and I can see why they’re important to people. But, seeing as we generally walk off the beaten path more often than not, our list of the Top 50 Albums of 2015 is in no particular order, save alphabetically. It seems pointless to rank one piece of art higher than another, especially when the four of us at ATH all have varying tastes. We just put this list together of the albums we loved the most this year. Are we saying they’re better than records by Grimes or Kendrick Lamar? No, we’re just saying that these are the records we loved more than others. So, you can read on for what we thought was hot.

Also…put links to individual stores where you can buy the albums from the bands…as that’s how we all survive in this music world.
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Show Review: Shopping @ The Mohawk (PS They’re Playing Again Tonight)

SHOPPINGThis show review will be rather brief– my apologies to openers Xetas and Feral Future for the omission of a description of their sets. It wasn’t for lack of desire that I had to miss what I’m sure were rowdy and glorious sets, but work inhibited me from arriving until right before London’s Shopping took the stage. And take the stage they did– the three members perfectly distributed themselves on the small inside stage of The Mohawk and began their infectious and seamless post punk jams. When I say seamless, I mean that though this band is only a three piece, each member and element go together so well that when they get going it’s hard to really differentiate one from the next, and the same can be said for the vocals. They gather together to form gang-esque grit, and the result is a perfect balance of rawness and pleasant sound. Each member brought their respective energy to the stage–whole bodies thrust into their performance. Lead guitarist Rachel Aggs bounced up and down, her hair flopping back and forth to the jangly riffs she kept doling out. Nothing could really stop the group from impressing the crowd with their wonderful tunes, not even guitar/amp troubles stood a chance from diminishing the night. Rather, it added to the charm of the group and their edginess. I’m telling you, their live show further enforced just how excellent Consumer Complaints is, and brought a smile to everyone’s faces. If you missed it, you are definitely in luck– the band’s Houston show has been cancelled, so they’re gracing our presence again this evening!!!! Find out details for that here. 

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Show Preview: Shopping @ The Mohawk (11/11)

shoppinMaybe you’re still shaking off the cobwebs of tiredness from your eyes from this weekend, but it’s time for you to muster up the strength to hit up the Mohawk tomorrow night for what will surely be an evening well worth your time. Headlining the inside stage is London’s Shopping, who have been wowing us with their post-punk jangly jams for sometime now, so it’s exciting to see how this sound will translate to the live setting; something tells me these tracks are going to be even more robust and require some dancing shoes. Opening up for them are locals Xetas and Feral Future, so be sure to get there early and support your locals. And if you feel like double-dipping and making the most of your night, get there even earlier to catch Youth Lagoon and Moon King on the outside stage at 6:30. Otherwise, doors for the inside stage are at 9 and tickets are 10$…get them here.

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Shopping Are Back With Another Album!!!


After the release of their great first record, Consumer Complaints, it brings me great pleasure to announce that Shopping are returning with a sophomore record called Why Choose on FatCat Records this coming October 2nd. With this news they’ve also given us a taste of what’s to come on this new record with, “Why Wait” that’s below for your ears. Like we’ve heard from Shopping before, you get the super crisp angular electric guitar work that cuts through the track sharply and up-tempo drums that seem to speed impossibly up as the song progresses. It’s a song that will certainly get you dancing. Get your Pre-Order on here.

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