About Last Night – ATH vs SOTO @ Vegas

Your friendly neighborhood ATH staff kicked off our SXSW yesterday with the recently reborn ATH vs. Side One Track One party at Hotel Vegas in East Austin. We had a packed house from the time doors opened until things closed down a little after 1am. Hopefully everyone stayed safe out there and got home without incident to start off the week on a high note.

After the jump you can find a few quick thoughts and photos from our team.

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ATH vs SOTO SXSW Party – March 12th @ Hotel Vegas

First there was Covid, then I had another kid, but I’m back this year to reignite the annual AustinTownHall vs SideOneTrackOne SXSW Party. It’s a 3 stage extravaganza over at Hotel Vegas, bringing in some of our favorite acts from all over Austin and having them throw down ridiculous sets that make us all proud of our music scene. Huge shout out to John at SOTO and 101x Homegrown for the organization, and thanks to the Vegas crew for having us back here. This year, we’ve even got a fun playlist for you to sample the tunes and share around to get your friends excited.

Show starts at 3 PM on March 12 at Hotel Vegas/Volstead! FREE! See you there!

Announcing the Austin Town Hall vs Side One Track One Party

Every year, for the last forever, we’ve teamed up with our frienemies over at Side One Track One to throw a great big Austin party on the Sunday before SXSW music gets going. It’s a celebration of Austin acts…something of great importance to us…as the rest of the city is about to get swept up in whatever the next big thing is. Plus, John at SOTO is the curator at 101x Homegrown, so you know he knows his stuff…and rumor has it that we run a label…so maybe that’s cool too? The party takes place Sunday, March 15th over at Hotel Vegas; this year we’ve got a wide variety from Mobley to Lola Tried to Blood to Zettajoule to BLXPLTN…and so many more. Click HERE for more info! See ya’ll then!


ATH vs SOTO Annual SXSW Party!!!

Every year, we gather with our frienemies over at Side One Track One, and throw down a huge show over at Hotel Vegas/Volstead. As is the case every year, we have 30 bands from all over Austin, and a few on the ATH Records roster. When we set up this years show, we wanted to make sure the bands all had new music on the way in 2019…and that seems to be the case. You can click on this glorious photo to see the show poster, or head over to the FB Event Page to see who all is going to show up. The show takes place Sunday, March 10th…and its absolutely free! Really stoked to see our friend Ram Vela return to the stage with his new band. Plus, ATH acts the Hermits, Being Dead and She Sir sharing their new tunes!

Photos: ATHvsSOTO 2018

We’ll be out and about the rest of the week to view the things during SxSW so remember to check out the twitter and our various instagram accounts.

Either you missed the big Austin Town Hall vs. Side One Track One party, or perhaps you were there and want to relive it. Check out the gallery after the break that features faces, bands, instruments, lights, beverages, scenes and moods from the day and night at Hotel Vegas. Highlights for me were Glaze, Nite, El Lago, BLXPLTN, Tres Oui, Daphne Tunes and Marmalakes. Find these bands during SxSW. You’ll be happy if you do.

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Announcing the ATH vs SOTO SXSW Party

Today’s the day you’ve all been waiting for, the announcement of our annual AustinTownHall vs Side One Track One SXSW party. We’re throwing down at Hotel Vegas/Volstead again, and we’ve booked a pretty solid lineup of acts. We’ve got some bands with huge buzz like Caroline Says or Why Bonnie, a handful of ATH Records artists…and we even got in a few out of town acts like Nite and El Lago. Best news of all? It’s absolutely free, so all you have to do is come on over and just enjoy yourselves…there’s something for everybody. Show kicks off at 2 PM and lasts all day and night. Plus, we love you, so you don’t even have to RSVP! Check out the event page, and plan ahead, you’ll be here all day!

ATH vs SOTO Showdown @ Hotel Vegas (3.12)

The time is nigh. SXSW is upon us. But, we here at ATH first and foremost want to represent Austin, and so we’re throwing our annual Spring Break Showdown with our best frienemies, Side One Track One. Together we bring you 30 bands, free entry and great music. You can join us on Sunday over at Hotel Vegas, with music starting at 2 PM sharp. More event details can be found at the Event Page, with hot tracks to get you excited below! There’s even a brand new Digital Wild tune down there for ya!

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Announcing The ATH vs SOTO Spring Break Showdown

We’re a few weeks away from the madness that we all love, or at least I do. And happily, we’ve teamed up with our friends over at Side One Track One to bring you a solid bill of 29 Austin acts, and a French band. What’s the cost to you? FREE! The whole show will be going on over at Hotel Vegas/Volstead on Sunday, March 12th, and we hope you come out to enjoy the day with us, starting right at 2 PM with one of my favorites, AMA. There’s four stages and not a bad band on the bill! More info on the FB Event Page.

Here’s a list of other participating bands on the day: Ama, Julia Lucille, Basketball Shorts, Quin Galavis and Annecy, Caroline Says, John Wesley Coleman, Jana Horn, She Sir, Lola Tried, Wild Bill and the Lost Knobs, Darkbird, The Halfways, Mean Jolene, Melat, Grivo, Pollen Rx, The Lovely Sparrows, Hard Proof, Roaring Sun, A. Sinclair, Black Books, Tres Oui, The Digital Wild, Tamarron, Upper Deck Pets, Growl, Skin Drips, Midnight Stroll, The Dizzease, and Weird Omen (mbrs of King Khan).

Check out a bunch of tunes from the bands after the jump.

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Show Pics: ATH and Side One Track One Presents @ Holy Mountain (6.20)

She SirWhat a fantastic night of local (and nearly local) talent.

She Sir opened and are getting tighter and tighter. The material from their latest effort was the perfect start to the night, engaging or the background music for patio time, you get to choose.

Young Girls played new stuff, the entire EP and a few of the hits that made us fall for them. Now a lean three piece and bolstered by Nicholas powering away on drums, Pete and Charlie split front man duties. I am biased, but I loved their set the mostest.

Ramesh is the latest in the ATH Records stable, test-pressing in Nathan’s mitts. Two members of the brand new backing band are friends from Shivery Shakes; they had about a day to learn the material. If the material can be this good live as a new ensemble, I cannot wait for them to get more time together. This record could be one of the best of the year.

Abram Shook had the backing vocalists on stage this time around and as he put it, the songs just get sexier. We love this record, go see him ASAP.


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ATH & Side One Track One Presents @ Holy Mountain (6.20)

10321675_10100906098219088_7853577584341865387_oWe’ve been talking about this for weeks, and we’re just a day away from what we consider to be one of the best bills in town Friday night, if not THE best bill in town.  All four acts have released great albums or EPs this year, which alone warrants your attendance.  Doors are at 9, and at 9:30, you’ll get to hear She Sir.  Their album Go Guitars needs to be in your collection, especially if you consider yourself a fan of dreamy indiepop. Next up are Young Girls, who we helped release their Young Girls EP; it’s infectious surf pop with a dose of bad ass.  Following them will be Ramesh; we’ll be releasing his debut album on vinyl shortly, so come sample everything great he’s got in store.  And the night closes with Abram Shook, long considered one of the best songwriters in town.  If you don’t have his album Sun Marquee, you’ll want to grab it at the show! So come one, come all, and get there early to have the night of your life, with us, your friends at ATH and Side One Track One.

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