Smooth Pop Number from Jackson Macintosh

While Jackson Macintosh‘s debut solo effort has been out for a minute, he definitely needs some revisiting with his latest single/video. It’s this sort of slinky, synth-driven pop song where Macintosh can turn his vocals into hook-laden gold. I love the soft electronic chorus, smoothing out the track in the perfect way. The guitar sounds throughout are understated, but they give the listener the perfect chance to kick up those heels in a danceable fashion. It’s the sort of dreamy pop making all the waves with the kids, so why not slide into it; My Dark Side is out now via Sinderlyn.


Minimalist Track From Homeshake

Homeshake has been making chilled out indie pop meets R&B tracks for a solid chunk of time now, so it’s no surprise that his latest track “Like Mariah,” is yet another slice of solid work. On the heels of the announcement of his fourth LP, Peter Sagar, clearly knows a thing or two about making a proper track. “Like Mariah” has this funky/almost crunchy bass sound that perfectly juxtaposes Sagar’s falsetto vocals. Sagar sings of thinking about what could have been, and the emptiness of the instrumentation matches that emotion quite well. Take a listen and then prep for the coming of Helium, which will be out February 15th of next year on Sinderlyn.



Have Another From Tim Cohen

Our dear amigo Tim Cohen has quickly established himself as someone who is in the “can do no wrong” category at this point in his musical career. Wether it be his work in Fresh & Onlys, or as a solo musician, the guy’s music is loved by the entire ATH staff. Currently working on a new solo album, we’ve already heard “Goodness” from the LP, and now he’s offered up another new single called “I’m a Girl”. I shall let the single speak for itself and just say that you should most definitely check out this album when it drops. Educate yourself.

Tim Cohen will release new album The Modern World on September 28th via Sinderlyn.

A New Track from Tim Cohen

Tim Cohen seems to have slowed down a bit the last few years, but there’s never a day when I wouldn’t listen to something he’s crafted. He’s just announced a new record, and shared the single that’s below. There’s a soulful brood in the verses, something he’s grown into over the last few solo releases. You’ll find the chorus a bit playful, and perhaps that’s by design, giving a slight nod to pop structures…and it all sets up the closing “whose.” His new LP is titled The Modern World, and it drops on September 28th via Sinderlyn.

Circling Back on Jaye Bartell

Still playing catch up on last week, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t just throw this Jaye Bartell tune out into the world, as it seems to have mistakenly slipped by the world. This track features on his new effort, In a Time of Trouble, which is being dropped this Friday via Sinderlyn. I love the heavy tones of his voice, particularly the way they dominate my listening in this track. To me, it sounds like a tune that would charm at a sock-hop, even with those little guitar flourishes; I feel as if I’d be best suited to swing around with my love in a patient circle. Like I said, don’t sleep on this track like I did.

New Video from Fresh and Onlys

Tomorrow is the day we’ll all get to hear Wolf Lie Down in its entirety, but before the release, Fresh and Onlys have given us one last video/track to steer us in the right direction. There’s a Dali-esque quality to the video, with shapes bending and dripping…not to mention splicing it with creative band shots. On the track, it’s a long burner, filled with some really great guitar playing atop the steady drum pace. I really like the production on all the songs we’ve heard, which is probably while I’ll be picking up the new record tomorrow from Sinderlyn.

This New Cults Track Is a Jam

If there’s one thing Cults know how to do, it’s craft an undeniable hit. They create the sort of pop music that cross boundaries of hipsterdom into mass culture. That being said, you listen to the new tune they just dropped, and you’ll be enjoying the synth textures colliding with the vocals of Madeline Follin. I didn’t expect to imagine myself swinging about my classroom, shuffling my feet as I hand out the first day syllabus, but this tune definitely gives me that vibe. Look out for Offering on October 6th via Sinderlyn.

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Never a Bad Day for a Fresh and Onlys Tune

While my fandom for Fresh and Onlys is pretty well-known by this point, I think their new LP could definitely turn more heads. On their latest single, you’ll hear a clarity that’s been building since the band’s earliest days. Still, they bring in these hook-laden riffs/vocals during the chorus…possibly offering the most pop moment of the band’s lengthy career. Honestly, it sounds like they removed the distortion from aTerry Malts record, and slowed things down…which in my mind is pretty fucking cool. Look for Wolf Lie Down to hit stores on August 25th via Sinderlyn.

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The Fresh & Onlys Return

It’s been quite some time since we’ve had an official release from The Fresh & Onlys, despite getting lots from Tim Cohen and Wymond on solo projects. In my mind, the band are moving further and further away from their psych sound, which isn’t all bad, if you’re asking. Sounds like the band have sort of a rolling rock thing going, kicking out energy, though not going to heavy on the riffs; imagine a softer side of Terry Malts and you’ll get what I’m hearing. Wolf Lie Down is the band’s new record, and it comes out on August 25th via Sinderlyn.

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Really Enjoying This New Walter TV Tune

I didn’t want to like this; I have some weird grudge against the constant Mac DeMarco hype, and members of Walter TV play with said artist. That being said, this tune grabbed me almost immediately, pushing forward with this rolling groove that almost indicated a surf rock jam was coming. But, instead, they take that energy and give it some dreamy vocals to dance atop the mix. It’s hooks grab you quick, which is great, as the song barely lasts beyond the 2 minute mark. Fan of swelling pop? Look for Carpe Diem on August 4th via Sinderlyn.

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