Fuzzy Hooks from WRITER

10429833_10153065156517978_1363039849383734709_nWRITER will be releasing their sophomore LP, Principle Web, this April, and I’m definitely digging on the latest single they’ve leaked before the release of the work. Fuzz-laden guitars push the track forward, whilst the calm vocal adds a different textural touch that enables it to endure repeated plays. There’s even a noisier element that makes its entry just after the 2.5 minute mark, in case you were worried you might find yourself labored by enjoying this too much. Look for the album April 8th via Small Plates Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/247435867″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ATH & SXSW: 3 to Watch Pt. 5


I would love to say that I’m ready for next week, but in reality, my brain and body can never be fully ready for what’s about to take place.  To help myself, and you faithful readers, ease a little of the stress coming our way, we’ve got another artist preview coming your way.  As always, we’ll tell you a bit about the bands and also post shows we see listed.  Follow the jump for more.

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ATH + SXSW: Father Daughter, Small Plates, & Gold Robot Showcase @ The Grackle (3/15)


You know it’s SXSW time right?  Well it is fools and ATH has gotten together with some fine folks all over the country to sponsor some incredible showcases here in Austin next week.  Today we’ll start off with a show we are helping sponsor with incredible national indie labels Father Daughter, Gold Robot, and Small Plates.  Here are some deets for what is sure to be the best day party you’ll ever hear about:

Date: Friday, March 15th

Time: Doors @ 11:30/music @ 12:15

Lineup (in order): Gems, Mutual Benefit, Body Parts, Night Panther, Monster Rally, Day Joy, Roman Ruins, Conveyor, Francisco the Man, and Levek

Location: The Grackle @ 1700 E 6th Street (MAP)

Free and open to the public for 21+ RSVP Here

Musical preview:


Download: Night Panther – Fever [MP3]


Download: GEMS – All I Ever [MP3]

New Synth Laden Pop From Gracie

I’m sort of in an electronic mood today as I try to groove my way into the weekend with some head nodding synth-pop music.  My mood is continuing in this vein with this new pop tune “Habits” from Philly based indie band Gracie.  The band has a wealth of other material over on their bandcamp page so I’m surprised that we haven’t been turned on to them until just now.  My bad.  A new EP called Bleeder will be coming your way March 12th via Small Plates Records.


Download: Gracie – Habits [MP3]

New Music From Field Mouse

Here’s a new track from hazy dream pop outfit Field Mouse called “Glass”.  The newish group definitely have a knack for creating entrancing pop music.  This new song has just been released in support of a new 7″ from the band entitled SPROO8 due out February 28th on Small Plates Records.  The tune below isn’t actually on that single so just enjoy and maybe pre-order their new release if you dig.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Glass-Mix-2.2-1.mp3]

Download: Field Mouse – Glass [MP3]

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