Check Out These Sofar Sessions From Your ATH Faves

athrecsY’all should know by now that the bands on Austin Town Hall Records are excellent, but in case you were having any doubts about that (you’re crazy) or were wanting more to love from these bands, you’re definitely in luck, as two of our very own have recorded live Songs From a Room sessions. Below, you can see the alt-country boys of Plantation do a rendition of “Your Bones” or catch the chill vibes of Summer Salt as they do a version of “Time Away From Home.” On “Your Bones” you get the bleeding emotional alt-country that Plantation does so well, and on “Time Away From Home,” Summer Salt go acoustic and allow the vocals to really soar. Take a listen and then go snag copies ofMostIntellectualand theGoing Native EP from the ATH Records Store.

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