New Jonathan Something

Jonathan Something has been dropping bonus tracks to last year’s Outlandish Poetica, and I think those hanging on the highs of indie rock will surely fine something to enjoy. At times, Jon sends his voice through your speakers much like Hamilton of Walkmen fame, though he pulls it back to more intimate delivery that perhaps lends it to a Tallest Man on Earth vibe. Musically, it’s hard to pinpoint, bouncing sort of all over the place, but that organ/keyboard in the distance definitely felt like it was drawing me into the track. If you like what you hear, OP is still available via Solitaire Recordings.

Fun New Track From Jonathan Something

It’s almost summer around these parts for teachers, and as I struggle to make it to the finish line, I need some inspiring songs to help motivate me. This new song called “Outlandish Poetica” from Jonathan Something is sure to perk me up and help me survive the next coming weeks. The track has a very playful vibe to it, similar to something you might hear from the early days of Wilco, but with more of an explosive sound to it. Call it what you will, it’s sure to brighten your day.

An album sharing this song’s title will be released sometime in August or September via Solitaire Recordings.

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SXSW Interviews: Common Holly

Who is awake this morning? Not this guy. Myself and the entire ATH crew have emerged from the week of madness known as SXSW and are somehow all working today. It was hella fun, but this is surely the worst Monday of the year. As always, we will be recapping our week here soon, but before that, I have one more interview to run which somehow slipped through the cracks last week. This last one comes from Brigitte Naggar and her Montreal based project known as Common Holly. Hit the jump to read more.

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New (Old) Music from Jons

jonsThis is a great Monday track. You’re sitting there, looking back on the weekend, wondering how you got kicked into the working week so quickly, wishing for a bit of respite. So take on this Jons track, a sprawling bit of a ballad, coated in haunting vocal effects. But, my favorite reason for believing in the track comes right after the first 1.40 minute mark; up until then the track was mildly subdued, but just a slight pick up in spirit changes your outlook/emotions. You’ve got something to live for, something to long for…and the secret lives within this song. Solitaire Recordings will behelping the band out in the future, so keep your eyes peeled.

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Beautiful New Dannika Tune

dannikaSome songs come through the stereo, and they have this immediate impact on your soul…seeping deep within. Generally speaking, those are the ones I fall for the most, which is where I am with this Dannika track today. Her voice struck me as soon as it enters, soulful and lonely; it’s matched by the solemn tone of the guitar on this single. But, while that sold me, the extra bonus comes late in the track when a barely audible male voice echoes her performance from the distance. Damn it this song is good. Play it once, play it a million times, then look for her For Peaches EP, which is being released by Solitaire Recordings; it’s coming out on May 16th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More from Good Morning

12622106_1636567596608368_9213207835973974193_oAs last year came to a close, we brought you a tune from the latest Good Morning release, “Cab Deg,” which we were really excited about. On their newest single, things have been stripped down, releasing a solemnity that’s both soothing and intriguing. I love the feeling of a good home recording, there’s something comforting in that…and while this may be a studio track, it has the personal feel of that bedroom soliloquy. The group’s second EP, Glory, is set to be released early next week via the folks over at Solitaire Recordings.

Sorry I Missed This: New Video From Good Morning

11893967_1594501650814963_6830838395350050836_oWhat seems like a long while ago now, I introduced you to the sleepy lo-fi of Melbourne’s Good Morning. It’s been a few months, and it seems that the band has a new music video that they premiered over at The Guardian last week. While I’m sorry to have missed bringing you that video last week, I’m pleased to be able to share with you the silly video today, which features a great tune as well. “Time To Try (Again)” has this band again showing why they should be on your to watch list; the jangly guitars, soft vocals, and subtle percussion all combine to make for a good Wednesday jam.


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