Fresh New Tune from New Tigers

I always liked the idea of a split 7″; to me, it shows a bit of camaraderie in the musical community.  When I first saw that New Tigers had a new track on a split with Sweden’s Top Sound, I got really excited, as I’m already a fan of New Tigers after their self-titled album from last year.  The split will be shared between Ca Ira and Soliti Music, and it comes out next week.  Both bands take a stab at covering the other group’s tunes, which is another thing I enjoy–you get to see how bands react to the music of their peers.  I’m definitely digging this track, but I knew I would.



Power Rocker from The Coathangers

It’s Monday, so you’ve got to kick things off with a nice rocker, so that’s why I’m offering you up this sweet little number from The Coathangers.  The group’s running a split 7″ with friends, Davila 666, on a limited press from Suicide Squeeze, which will hit on April 17th.  Just one listen to this and you’ll have enough energy to get yourself through the day–banging drums and stuttering sharp edged guitars always do it for me.  If you dig this, be sure to keep an eye out for the group, as they’re one of thousands making their way to Austin for SXSW.


Download:The Coathangers – Smother [MP3]

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