A Year End List from Joe Smyth of Nine Mile Records and Touring

Joe Smyth help us keep our Austin theme today, as he’s one of the folks helping get Austin acts (and others) out on the road. But, more importantly, he’s a scavenger of music news, so he’s given us a couple of great lists…one a shout out to the blogs that turned him onto great music…and the other just a general best of list. Peruse as you must, and if you have touring needs…check out Nine Mile Touring.

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Required Listening: Another New One From Stef Chura

This track may have dropped yesterday, but we’re big fans of pretty much everything Stef Chura has done and is doing, so we’d be remiss not to share another hit from the artist. “Sweet Sweet Midnight” features another familiar voice in the form of Car Seat Headrest‘s Will Toledo, which compliments Chura’s dry yelp so well, you’ll be wishing for a supergroup from the two. Instrumentally, the track is kind of minimalist at times before it ramps up to its killer and somewhat violent ending. Chura’s new album,Midnight, will be out on June 7th via Saddle Creek and apparently Toledo’s influence is on the rest of the album as well. Be sure to pre-order your copy of what will surely be a smash LP.

SXSW Interview: Stef Chura

Stef Chura has been writing infectious rock n’ roll hits in Detroit for some time, but her names is quickly becoming well known to the greater indie rock realm. Most of this is due to her excellent LP, Messes, which hit in January. She took some time out of her busy schedule to answer our questions, and we’ve included her SXSW dates below to let you know where you’ll be able to catch her…and her hit “Spotted Gold” too! All after the jump-a-roo.
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Laid Back Rocker From Stef Chura

12247971_1672787559654622_1822489805624074009_oStef Chura, out of Detroit, is an act you need to keep an eye out for. She’s got that perfect blend of slackerpop and rock with a hint of power vocals to round the mix out nicely. “You,” starts and you are reminded immediately of The Cranberries– mellow grunge guitars create this almost sinister sounding atmosphere, while Chura’s vocals are twangy but a definite force to be reckoned with. It’s a lovely laid back rocker that slowly transitions to outright jam.

Her debut record, Messes, will be out in a few months on January 27th via Urinal Cake Records.

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