New Track from The Golden Awesome

New Zealand’s The Golden Awesome aren’t necessarily what you’d associate with the typical Oceanic fare, but that’s a good thing. They’ll be releasing their album, Autumn, via M’Ladys Records on November 15th, and it’s shaping up to be a darkly tinged bit of poppy noise rock.  If you stream the single below, you’ll be met with walls of guitar noise drenched in warm female vocals.  Clearly there’s an element of pop one can’t escape in NZ, but there’s more than enough darkness lurking in the songwriting of this group.  Stream the jam below for a taste of great things to come.


New 7″ from Circle Pit

You know what you should have done yesterday?  You should have gone to your nearest record store and picked up this brand new 7″ from Australia’s Circle Pit, a band that’s been on our radar for some time.  The 7″ Slave/Honey was just released by our friends at Hardly Art, and it’s definitely one of my favorite short listens so far this year.  Luckily, you can sample the entire 7″ by going HERE. If you find yourself enjoying this droned pop music then go get yourself a copy; it will be worth your time.

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