SXSW Friday & Saturday in Photos

Forgive the version fail. My bad.

Team ATH went out and about to catch a few more bands at the end of last week. Friday in particular had some heavy targets. Among them were to evaluate some buzz bands, visit old friends, make some new ones and take in some comfort food of ripping classics. Along the way, we took a few photos and gathered a few thoughts. We came to some universal conclusions, divided and conquered only to get back together. Thanks SXSW.

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Last Week’s Jams – (9.11 – 9.15)

It seems weird to say, but last week was the first time in a long time where I was able to find every song we covered on all the DSPs! Does this mean I’ve gone mainstream? Anyways, we had a few premieres running from the likes of Class and Alijca-Pop, so be sure to check those jams out.. And, as per usual, dipped our toes in the Austin pond, with new stuff from Holy Wire and the stream of Will Johnson‘s new LP. Oh, and we made sure we had as much Oceanic coverage as possible, throwing our weight behind Soft Covers, Native Cats, The Small Intestines and Exek! Give a listen to the singles below!

Stream New Album From Subsonic Eye

As we ease into another long awaited Friday, I suggest you take some time today to enjoy this new album entitled All Around You from the Singapore based outfit Subsonic Eye. Previously we shared with you the banger of a single “J-O-B,” which should’ve offered just a small tease of what was to come for their 10 song LP.  For me, it’s a gem of a collection with an expert portrayal of what indie pop used to represent while still sounding fresh and invigorating.  Please do check this one out.

If you’re feeling these tunes, the band has several physical purchase options over on bandcamp coming to you from the stellar US label Topshelf Records

Last Week’s Jams (8.14 – 8.18)

Okay, so I’m back in school and coaching women’s volleyball, which of course meant we couldn’t dare draw near the 40 or so tracks we covered the week prior. But, that being said, there were some really special tunes, and some of my favorites popping up in here. Blue Ocean and Seablite announced new LPs, while the Smashing Times dropped another stellar single to whet our appetites. Local favorites Single Lash and Sun June both announced new releases too, so it was a pretty solid week. Oh, and that Optic Sink jam was so good, we might have accidentally overlapped and posted it twice! Stream below!

Subsonic Eye Share J-O-B

Though the name may be unfamiliar, you will soon want to know everything you can about Singapore based Subsonic Eye after you check out their new single “J-O-B.” I’ve personally already listened to it about 3 times this morning and grow ever enthralled by how such a young band can have such a tight and expansive sound. This one is sure to hit those end of summer playlists before we close out for the season.

New single “J-O-B” will appear on a new album from Subsonic Eye entitled All Around You which is due out on September 13th via Top Shelf Records. Pre-orders are live now.

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