Sloucher Share New Single

Looks like the majority of today is going to nod towards guitar pop, with the Pacific Northwest’s newest up-and-comers Sloucher. In a way, it sort of reminds me of early Nada Surf (maybe even early Death Cab). It’s super clear that the songs are built around a central melody, and there’s a stylistic softness that’s clearly aimed at maximizing the emotional potential. That said, I think the guitar work itself is quite special, especially the way the guitars cut back and forth in focus. The group are releasing their debut LP, Be True, on November 16th via Swoon Records.

Premiere: Unlikely Friends Announce Crooked Numbers

Unlikely Friends are a pop group; they first came to my attention because of Charles Bert’s participation (he also plays in Math and Physics Club…D Crane from BOAT is the other core member). Today we’re excited to bring you this fresh single from the group’s forthcoming LP, Crooked Numbers. It opens with this distorted guitar, moving into a slight static vocal before pulling back the effects to reveal the song’s pop underbelly. You’re intoxicated, sure, but you’re not fully hooked until the falling melodies of the chorus are dropped on you; it’s like a sugar cube for pop aficionados. You’ll come back time and time again, and as you do, you’ll hear more vocal melodies surfing through the song, taking you on one hell of a pop rollercoaster. Crooked Numbers will be released on January 12th via Swoon Records.

Fruit Juice Gives You Whimsical Psych Pop

The latest single from Fruit Juice out of Olympia, Washington is all sorts of fun and good. “Candies” is a bouncy little number with strung out vocals that soar over the twangy mix. I dig the way the track grooves along for its majority and then builds on the already-high-energy to its twee ending. Towards the finale of the song, the guitars gain strength in the mix and you get the Of Montreal blitz. It’s a weird track, but I can’t help but groove along to the psychedelic pop that Fruit Juice have done well.

The band’s debut full length, Eat You Up, will be out on July 28 via Swoon Records.


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