Pete Astor Shares Model Village

Somehow I missed the news of Pete Astor readying another record for Tapete Records, so I’m aiming to fix my error by sharing the new single from the former Loft/Weather Prophets songwriter. It seems like this track hints at today’s theme of coverage, with a definite push towards songs that have a certain timelessness to it. Here, you get to listen to a bounding piano line that runs like and the river through the “model village” of Pete’s song, while his voice and strum accentuate the incredible pop sensibilities he’s been rocking with his solo work. It’s the sort of songwriting that supersedes genres and generations, the track you take home to share with your parents at the next family gathering, as you all revel in just how much you all love well-worn pop music. Astor will release Tall Stories and New Religions on March 15th via Tapete.

Pete Astor Shares New Religion Video

About a month back, legendary Pete Astor (The Loft/The Weather Prophets) dropped a new record, Time on Earth, which received great praise from all over the indie sphere. Today, we’re here to share the video for “New Religion,” which is features footage of Astor, layered atop other video samples, with a mix of common objects. It brings to mind what Pete has said about the track, tossing out the line “we have all sorts of things to believe in…Johnny Thunders…Golden Dawn…I just sing about it;” it’s a sort of hodgepodge where we’re all actively seeking to find our footing in the world. Musically, you’ve got to stick around for the chorus, as it’s worth the price of entry alone. Astor’s heavy tones in the verse quickly spin into this more ethereal melody, churning out a hook that you’ll be humming throughout the day. Time on Earth is now available via Tapete Records.

Robert Forster Shares Tender Years

Our first glimpse into Robert Forster‘s new album was the heartbreaking “She’s a Fighter,” which detailed Forster’s wife current battle with cancer. On this new single, Robert takes on that personal level all over, yet in this instance, it feels like something that could aptly be applied to any listener’s life…it’s that timelessness that always draws me into Robert’s work. The video reveals Robert dancing and singing in his kitchen, and perhaps my favorite moment comes right after the 3 minute mark. Robert takes to soloing, and form there, the song ventures into familiar Forster territory, where you get to hear the past and present of his songwriting all collide into this beautifully warm pop track. I’m not going to lie here…this might be one of my favorite post-GB Forster tracks, period. The Candle and the Flame is out on February 3rd via Tapete Records.

Pete Astor Shares Fine and Dandy Video

The first single we heard from Pete Astor‘s new album was a long burner, but since that track’s release, Pete’s been focusing on the quicker ditties, like this delightful new jam. I love the burning stomp of the guitar here, kind of bringing in a bit of old school classic rock to Pete’s repertoire. Still, when you get to the charm of the chorus, that’s Astor’s bread and butter, bringing in this blanketing melody that certainly warrants at least a dozen repeat listens. If you’re digging on the vibe, as you should, then be sure that Time on Earth is on your radar when it drops on October 7th via Tapete Records.

Simon Love Shares L-O-T-H-A-R-I-O Video

Back in April Simon Love dropped the pop rock treasure Love, Sex, and Death, etc., which we wrote about quite frequently leading up to the release. Well, good tunes don’t fade, especially when you’re willing to piece together stock footage, as Simon did to create a video tied to the chorus-less ditty, using “Shutterstock” found photos to create the song’s narrative. There’s a fun little interlude where Simon details a failed one-night stand, which was put together by Alexander Hale, and all of this to say, its a fun piece that lets us have another chance to refresh your love of Simon here today…and to remind you the new LP is now available via Tapete.

Pete Astor Announces New LP + Shares English Weather

Whether you’re an OG the Loft or Weather Prophets fan, you should be grateful that classic pop songwriters like Pete Astor are still doing they’re thing; you might even want to check Spilt Milk or One for the Ghost, to check what Pete’s been up to most recently. Just a few days ago Pete announced his latest LP, Time on Earth, which will be out in October; he shared the below mini-opus with the announcement, so its gotta be on our site, right? There’s all sort of arrangements working through the song: light percussion, tinkering piano, horns, etc; it really builds the song into this magnificent performance, but its success is mostly in the mix, as Astor’s voice and strum maintain a great deal of the focus, as it should be. Tapete Records will release Time on Earth on October 7th.

Bart Davenport Shares Holograms Video

Bart Davenport‘s latest solo effort, Episodes, feels like an instant classic, covering vast musical territory with bewildering storytelling…such as the track “Holograms,” which gets a video treatment today. At times, the song’s rhythm section brings in this groovy glam stomp, with the emphasis on the boogie; that boogies leads into the more Southern inspired guitar grooves that noodle their way, battling for supremacy. Bart, as the video presents, is the song’s centerpiece, however; he carries the song with this mixture of velvety seduction and natural bravado; I personally love the cascading pitch when he exclaims “because I’m terrified.” If you haven’t gotten to spend a lot of time with the new album, now’s as good a time as any to give it a listen; it’s also available via Tapete Records. Plus! If you’re in the great LA area, you have a chance to catch Bart live at the Permanent Records Roadhouse on May 19th with Earth Girl Helen Brown.


Simon Love Share I Will Dance Video

Last week, Simon Love dropped the excellent Love Sex Death Etc, and there’s a video I missed as it hit, which is for the stomping rocker, “I Will Dance.” It’s a pretty dark take, lyrically speaking, with the chorus lines “when you fall/I will laugh/when you die/I will dance,” but the song’s got this catchy shimmy to it. It’s a bit old school kind of power pop, but jazzed up with these modern touches, along with horns and keys to really build the song into something huge. Fun way to kick out a Thursday; if you haven’t checked out the new LP, it’s available via Tapete Records.

Simon Love’s Me and You Video

I’m nearing the end of my collection of emails, and there lurks Simon Love, the former Loves frontman, waiting to unleash Love, Sex and Death etc by sharing another video. This one’s all about has all the makings of classic pop, though with Simon you get a bit more bravado. I love the way he turns on a more emphatic vocal punch, right before the band seem to plug in and let loose behind him, building in a more textured pop rock sound that wouldn’t have been too far off from early Beulah recordings. So, if you like your pop with big boisterous bops, then grab the new LP from Tapete when it drops on April 8th.

Bart Davenport Announces Episodes

It’s been a minute since we’ve heard a proper Bart Davenport record, and it feels like this year already deserves his craft. His songwriting has a very classic pop vibe, though there are these little touches that make him seem masterful and timeless. At times, you can hear little flirtations with the Beatles or the like, maybe even a touch of Beach Boys in the chorus to boot. But, in truth, I feel like he evades these trappings; his voice has its own intoxicating style that supersedes all the musical nods, leaving us with a pop song that we won’t soon forget. His new album Episodes is out March 25th via Tapete.

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