Last Week’s Jams (5.8 – 5.12)

Last week kicked off with a bang; we covered a whole bunch of tunes right off the bat, only to kind of fade towards the end of the week. Still, we managed to get up 20 tunes you should listen to, though the Mope City single isn’t out there yet on streaming services. Some Austin love came our way with Tearjerk and Balmorhea getting solid mentions, while we couldn’t help but to continue our fawning over Night Beats and their latest barrage of bangers. Threw in some new Shelflife releases from Lost Tapes and Youth Valley, and in the end, the new stuff from Shrapnel and Special Friend definitely won awards for my faves of the week. You’ve got an hour of legendary streams below!

The Saxophones Share Boy Crazy

The wife and husband duo The Saxophones have long been a group we’ve championed and thrown praise at over the years of our ‘lil website. Well after a short three or so year hiatus, the duo are returning this year with a new album entitled To Be a Cloud due out June 2nd on Full Time Hobby. Prior to that release date, we are incredibly excited to share with you this brand new, stunning single “Boy Crazy.” It’s light and dreamy, yet impactful and enchanting with heavy floor drums and an almost jazz inspiration. Lovely.

Pre-orders for To Be a Cloud are live now.

The Saxophones Announce Eternity Bay

The wife and husband duo, The Saxophones, have just announced their brand new album, Eternity Bay, and with it comes this lyric video for the first single. As Austin flirts with Fall/Winter, it seems the perfect musical piece; it’s careful and thoughtful, with all the accents fit into the song perfectly. Initially constructed as a duet, Alexi ends up taking all the vocal roles, with his wife Alison adding backing vocals; the decision does make the track seem more delicate and fragile, which perhaps ties into the thematic element presented in the lyrical content. A soft start to hump day, and a strong start to the album cycle; Eternity Bay will be out on February 14th via Full Time Hobby.


Quiet Beauty From The Saxophones

Oakland based The Saxophones have received their fair share of coverage on our site over the years. All ATH staff members have been continually mesmerized by the quiet, yet still powerful feeling to all of their songs. I’m yet again pleased to share another hit from the band entitled “Aloha”. I suggest giving it multiple spins as each and every listen unfolds something beautiful to really enjoy.

You can purchase this song a new 7″ single by clicking here. Via Full Time Hobby.

Intimate Minimalism From The Saxophones

The Saxophones - Band Photo A (Jesse Littlebird Photography)Nathan gets credit for finding this gem of a track, but it’s so good I don’t even mind giving him props. The Saxophones are a two piece husband and wife duo consisting of Alexi and Alison Erenkov, who are based in Oakland. Together, they are making 50’s inspired ballads of yesterday with modern touches that will blow you away with their subtleties. This song, “New Tradition,” is simply a delight; gentle vocals and minimalist instrumentation take turns through the song. It seems like there is never really more than two sounds occupying the sound space, and yet, this track has captured my full attention– everything works together to create a Grizzly Bear meets the vocals of Mystery Jets kind of folk track where you hang on every note. Definitely give this song a listen and then go check out their newest release, If You’re On The Water EP on their Bandcamp page.


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Get Dreamy With The Saxophones

1501666_833023450074955_5070952818094037727_nOakland based The Saxophones just sent me this new single “If You’re on the Water” this morning and I had to share it with the world. It’s a very dreamy, very repetitive, and totally meditative type of song. For me, it’s been a perfect start to what is a cloudy and kind of gloomy Tuesday morning. Hopefully this is just the beginning of more great things to come.

Fans can purchase this song as part of a new EP available on July 19th. Picture disc!

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