Drunken Barn Dance Write Hooks

dbdWhy we’re all waiting for that next Thermals record to come out, there’s something to hold you over in the meantime: Drunken Barn Dance. It’s the new project of Scott Sellwood (formerly of Saturday Looks Good to Me), and I think that it’s a step immediately to the left of my beloved Thermals. Take the vocal tones, the internal hooks, but move left (or right) towards a more folk-laden touch, and you’ll have this wonderful new track. He’ll be releasing the Big Bend EP on February 12th via Quite Scientific, and I’m definitely getting my hands on this one.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/242552398″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Preview: The Thermals @ Red 7 (10/23)

Date 10/23/10
Location Red 7
Doors 9pm
Tickets $12 @ Frontgate 

Everyone’s favorite indie punk kids The Thermals are making a stop in Austin at Red 7 on Saturday night.  Cymbals Eat Guitars will also be on hand to play some jams which makes the show that much more enticing to a blogging nerd like me.  The Coathangers will be providing your opening support for the night.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/The-Thermals-I-Dont-Believe-You.mp3]

Download: The Thermals – I Don’t Believe You [MP3]

2009 Top 50 Albums


Creating a Top 50 Albums list is never easy.  You have to battle with what you think the world believes, and what you truly believe in your heart, to be solid jams.  We have even more trouble because we have to three writers, all who have different ideas, and we have to make those ideas fit into a neat box.  Well, we got it done, and honestly, our criteria was based on two things: how great we thought the album was, artistically speaking, and how long we listened to it without getting bored.  That’s it. It’s fool proof; you might not like it, but it’s our list, so here it is… Read more

FT50: Songs of 2009

bestof2009cover_songsWe have to start this list off with a disclaimer.  We have three writers, all with different tastes, so the list should reflect that a little bit.  Also, these are our opinions, and by no means, are they meant to be seen as an “end all be all” to the question of what were the best songs of 2009.  That being said, we like our list quite a bit.  Sure, it’s got some expected numbers at the top, but the rest of the list is genius.  We’ve got some of the songs streaming for you, and the rest take you straight to youtube.  Follow the jump for full list.

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The Thermals On Daytrotter

thermalsWe love The Thermals and we love Daytrotter, so when the two get together, we’ve just got to tell you about it.  By now you know the drill.  Band records daytrotter session, posts MP3s, and you go check it out.  This one is extra sweet because the band plays the previously unreleased track “I Can’t Let Go”.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/the-thermals-i-cant-let-go.mp3]

Download: The Thermals – I Can’t Let Go [MP3]

Contest: Thermals @ Mohawk 5/22

thermals1After our Eulogies/Dears huge prize package just wrapped up, we’ve got another contest for all you ATH readers out there.  This time one lucky fan will win a couple of guest list spots to the upcoming Thermals show at Mohawk on May 22nd.  All you have to do is a leave a comment about what’s on your mind OR hit us up on Twitter and mention the contest in your @.  We’ll run this one until Wednesday of next week (5/20).  Don’t forget to leave a valid email address so we can get in touch with you.  While you’re at it, read our review of the band’s new album or check out an interview we did with The Thermals during SXSW.

FT5: Anticipated SXSW Artists Releases

0313top5cover1While we were roaming around town last week, we started thinking about some of the upcoming releases that have got us peeing our pants in anticipation this year. Then we saw some of these artists during SXSW and got even more excited for what’s to come. For today’s Top 5, we wanted to take a look at some of theses new releases and rank them in order of just how excited we are about them. Some big names who were in town (Decemberists, Dan Auerbach, etc.) have already put out some solid releases this year, so we’re hoping that these won’t let us down. Follow the jump for our full Top 5 of anticipated releases from SXSW artists.
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SXSW Top 10 Live Acts

sxsw_liveacts_coverIs anyone else just a little bit sad today as we wrap up another amazing SXSW Festival in Austin? I know we here at ATH are as depressed as anyone to head back into the real world today. Gone are the carefree days of roaming around downtown in search of the best music and the best parties with free red bull and vodka. While still nursing our hangovers and mending our bruises, we would like to share with you the best live acts that we caught this past week. You may have heard of most of these bands or they may be completely new to you, but regardless, these bands brought the noise at SXSW. We tried to be fair and pick the acts that either lived up to a certain hype or just rocked our faces to the floor.  Follow the jump for our top 10 live acts of SXSW.

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