Premiere: New Track from Noble Son

I like the immediacy of this new track from Noble Son; it hits the listener right off the bat with its guitar circling the stomp of the drum work. A playful piano line adds an extra layer to the song just before Adam Kirschner delivers his first vocal line. He’s got a distinctive set of pipes, but I love the operatic power it holds the most, soaring above the mix in a marvelous fashion. It’s strange, but perhaps the best compliment I can offer this tune is that I never hear the same thing…at times I am attracted to the unfolding bounce, other times it’s the tinkering piano line…all pointing to an album of great promise. Joy in Violence will be self-released on March 30th, with a slew of Canadian tour dates around the release.

Say Hello To Blue J

It’s always nice to hear from old friends in bands when you weren’t sure if they’d parted ways with the music game. Today my rekindled musical relationships comes by way of old pal Justice McLellan who formerly fronted the Canada based outfit Ruby Coast. If you don’t remember those guys, they played an ATH SXSW showcase for us many many moons ago. Well now Justice is working on a new project called Blue J and he just sent us over this nice new track “Early Show”. It’s definitely a hushed beauty sort of song built beautifully over a multitude of layers and intricate sounds. We’ll be sure to share more as we know more.

Check Out This Tune From WOOLWORM

Man Mint Records has really been pumping out some hits for me recently. Only yesterday brought news of that legit new Tough Age EP and now they’ve sent me this surprising new single from Vancouver based WOOLWORM. The song, “Catbird”, reminds me of Thursday if they added more shoe gaze and indie tendencies to their sound. It’s right up my alley.

WOOLWORM will release Deserve to Die on August 25th via Mint Records.

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Indiepop Delight from Sleuth

sleuthAre you looking for the perfect place where Alvvays and Allo Darlin meet? That perfect indiepop comes in way of Vancouver’s Sleuth. The vocal qualities seem to lean more toward the former, while the musical aspirations closely resemble that of the latter. It harkens back that perfect late 90s era of pop music…no bullshit, just great songs. They’re doing a limited release of their latest album, Out of the Blue Period, via Kingfisher Bluez and Jigsaw Records this month, so if you know anything about modern indiepop, you know this is always a trustworthy source.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Another Hit From Avid Walker

avidwalkerepinseptemberI discovered Vancouver based Avid Walker earlier this year and I’ve been eagerly awaiting more music from the band over the last couple of months.  Well today is my lucky day with news of another single from the group entitled “Sun In Eyes”.  This bright and easy going music is so easy to get into, and honestly, I don’t see why everyone isn’t jumping on this bandwagon faster.  I expect even bigger things from these guys in the future.

Stay tuned for more information on an upcoming debut EP this Fall.

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Dark Bubblegum Pop From Thee AHs


Dark bubblegum pop? Isn’t that a contradiction? Well yes, but in the best possible way. Vancouver’s Thee AHs just released this terrific album called Names over at their band camp page that shows a mastery of sugary pop music with enough darkness to tone it down to not only an enjoyable level, but a great one at that. This track, “Andrew,” that I’ve got below will give you a good idea of what I’m talking about, as it blends these two sides of the spectrum quite well. The guitars kick things off on a grungey note, and then the gang female vocals wash the track over with sugary sweetness. Like this song, the whole album is filled with pop goodness that needs you attention, so go pick it up over here and enjoy. 

Simple Pop From Avid Walker

11223637_610003005769543_358143324133880288_nIt’s a beautiful day here in Austin and it seems to me that we could all use a bright and sunny tune to go along with our day.  This track, “Conversations”, from Vancouver based Avid Walker is exactly what I’m talking about.  In it’s simplistic take towards song delivery, the track is catchy as hell and certainly worthy of repeat plays.

Avid Walked has a new EP coming out this September.  Stay tuned as we get more tracks your way prior to that date.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Do Tell: Folksy Springtime Ready Pop

dotellDo Tell is the project of Vancouver’s Jocelyn Price, who makes lo-fi indie pop. This track, “See-Through,” is the perfect song for these early spring days, as it combines Price’s airy and whimsical vocals with classic indie pop instrumentation: hooky electric guitar riffs, combined with filling acoustic strumming and the light pitter-patter of percussion. And just when you think you’ve gotten used to the track, Price changes it up slightly and the whole thing builds. If you like what you hear, go head over to Do Tell’s Bandcamp Page and order the Midseason EP.


New Dark Pop From Mode Moderne

cbd362f71e1718a05ae2976a93d447d2c47c1911After a few spins of this great new track “Unburden Yourself” from Vancouver based Mode Moderne, I’m excited to see what their new full length has to offer.  The band will of course get the Joy Division label from the get go, but I think the band mix those darker tones with some brighter, more polished pop tendencies.  I’ll keep ya posted on how the entire album turns out.  Count me as a fan.

New album, Occult Delight, is coming out on January 21st via Light Organ Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Fuzz Rock From Zen Mystery Fogg

kingfisherAs many of you know, I have been recovering from a birthday extravaganza over the weekend so my posts have been few and far between.  Well I’m getting back into the game with a tasty little fuzz rock number called “Raccoon” coming your way from newer band Zen Mystery Fogg.  It’s definitely a fuzz rock song that has a a rougher edge to it that is putting me in a badass mood on this Tuesday.  Oh and if you don’t know what a badass mood is, well you’ve never lived my friend.

This song will appear on a 7″ single from the band coming your way on Vancouver based Kingfisher Bluez label.


Download: Zen Mystery Fogg – Raccoon [MP3]

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