Punk Rock Your Thursday With VHS

unnamed-27VHS, or Violent Human System, have joined the impeccable lineup over at Suicide Squeeze Records and with this great news, they’ve shared a single off their upcoming record. This track, “Wheelchair” is a riot of a number– gritty guitars with plenty of distortion are accompanied by the intermittent gang vocals of the whole group joining in to blast you with a lot of hardcore energy. It’s a great punk track, and has got my excited for what awaits us onGift of Life, which will be out June 17th.


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Violent Human System Signs w/ Suicide Squueze

vhsSuicide Squeeze is one of my favorite labels, always releasing tunes that hit home. They’ve just announced that they’ll be working with Violent Human System for their debut album, though they’ll offer up a 7″ teaser that includes this song. It’s definitely a post-punk approach, almost in line with some of the work done by Hot Snakes, though the vocals seem to take on more of that post hardcore emo tone as the guitars knife their way through. The 7″ comes out next week, with the full length to follow later on in the year. West Coasters can catch them touring all through February.

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