New DarkWave Single From Keep

Though I just ran my Top Songs of the year yesterday, new tracks continue to come in that might just alter my list a little bit. Richmond based group Keep certainly have a push for, at the very least, top song of the month with this new single called “Dasani Daydream.” I think a large part of my infatuation with this song today comes with hearing something that offers a unique sound and fresh vibes when we can otherwise be inundated with the same ‘ol same ‘ol stuff. It mixes this sort of darkwave goth sound from a band like Chastity with small hints of shoegaze brightness here and there. It’s rad.

Keep will release new album Happy in Here on February 3rd via Honey Suckle Sound. Pre-orders are live now.

Catchy Rocker From Dazy

Sometimes when we music snobs tend to overcomplicate things, it’s refreshing to find a dude like Richmond, VA based James Goodson who can keep things simple and deliver short, catchy, rock tunes. Goodson records under the moniker Dazy and delivers garage rock tunes with direct focus and energy while packing a hell of a lot into his 2 minutes or less tunes. His new song, “On My Way” is a prime example of his songwriting style with a super rocking number that might be over by the time you finish this sentence. I’m here for it.

Dazy will release a new album entitled OUTOFBODY on October 28th via Lame-O Records.

New Indie Pop From Stray Fossa

Man we get a lot of things labeled as “indie pop” sent our way and typically the tune is either super commercial, pop star style or simply to slow and meandering to be considered pop music. Well today I have a truly bouncing and bright pop number called “For What Was” from my old pals in Charlottesville based group Stray Fossa. This ladies and gents, THIS, is what I truly consider an indie pop number. It’s super catchy, the synths come in perfectly and the beat is incredibly infectious. Mark it up as one of the best I’ve heard in the genre over the last few months.



Whew, it’s really hard to believe that we are a few short weeks away from the madness known as SXSW. I am starting to feel more ready, as I hope many of you are as well. As we tend to do, we’ve been hitting it pretty hard with the interview questions this year, and today I’ve got another one from Washington D.C. based group RDGLDGRN. Hit the jump for their answers to our hard hitting questions.

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Bright New Tune From Stray Fossa

The sun is out in Austin and I was looking this morning for some tuneage to match the bright and sunny mood here. Today I need look no further than my new amigos in Charlottesville based band Stray Fossa and their new single “It’s Nothing”. It reminds me a bit of my old pals in Grand Archives if they added some dreamy, pop elements to their sound. Clearly this band has taken a bit of a dated, overdone genre and taken it into a new avenue with a refreshing, bright and airy style.

You Should Check Out Big Baby

Right around this time last year I shared some news about indie pop masters Young Scum from Richmond, VA. Since then, I’ve heard very little from the band, and assumed maybe they had called it quits. As it turns out, not to be so, as the guys reformed under the new name Big Baby. Their new project already has an albums worth of material and they sent me over an exclusive preview via recently released single “Not That”. Once again we are treated to some of the most delightful and memorable indie pop currently being released. If you dig it, new album Sour Patch is currently available on their bandcamp page.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=250339158 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=3836570390]

Melodic Pop Number From Minor Poet

Andrew Carter has spent the last couple of monthswholed up in his basement writing, recording, and playing every instrument for his new project called Minor Poet. Andrew begins to share samples of his hard work today with this fancy new song “Plot Devices”. The track certainly has a Pet Sounds vibe to it with the swirling vocals and bright drums dropping in from time to time in the background. This track serves as a preview of more to come in an album being released later this year. We’ll keep ya posted.

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Fun Pop From Manatree

manatreeIt’s a beautiful Monday here in Austin so why not move along with your day by jamming some bright and fun indie pop music?  This one called “Something” by Richmond based group Manatree is exactly what I had in mind.  This is easy to listen to pop music that’s sure to make your drab Monday a little better.

Manatree have their self-titled album coming out on July 31st via EggHunt Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More New Music From White Laces

night33_white_lacesRichmond based White Laces came on to my radar earlier this month and I’ve enjoyed what the band is bringing music wise.  They fashion their own brand of experimental rock music with a touch of atmosphere thrown in for good measure.  Start paying attention to these guys as they rise through the ranks of the indie world.

Once again, White Laces have a new album entitled Trance coming out on October 7th via Happenin Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Enjoy Some Sundials

sundials-ws-710Here’s a great new track from Richmond, VA based band Sundials.  Now these guys create old school rock music with a no frills approach to the guitar and rhythm work in their songs.  Check out “Stun Spore” below and relive what sounds like some of the glory days gone by.

Sundials have a new EP entitled Kicks due out November 4th on Topshelf Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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