More Indie Rock From Sports

unnamedA few short weeks ago, Nathan shared with you a single from a band by the name of Sports and today I’m here to throw another indie rock gem at you from this group of youngsters. “The Washing Machine” is a nice little track from the band’s upcoming record, All Of Something, which is due out October 30th on Father/Daughter Records, and it features some of the jubilant indie rock that you may have already heard from the first single the band put out, but whereas that track was all out rock, this one packs a bit of sentimentality to it. Don’t get me wrong, the song still packs a punch, but the vocals have a softer sound to them– as the lead singer Carmen Perry pushes her voice to those high peaks, you’ve gotta appreciate the sugary sweetness.

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pudding_athWho decided to make washing machines and toilets the exact same color? A simple color code system could prevent accidents like this. Clearly there should be some sort of advocacy group for drunks

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