Steady Rocker From Wax Witches

12509648_1255646871128919_1310003653927682046_nWax Witches, or the project of Alex Wall, has got a new album coming out in just about a month from Burger Records.In anticipation of this release, he’s shared the single below, “Morning Flowers,” which is a hazy rock tune that centers around the clean guitar riffs and distorted vocals. What’s great about this song is that it meanders, but you enjoy every instant of its sprawl– the track loops and loops on itself until you’re mesmerized in its borderline psych sound.

Be sure to lookout forMemory Painting, which is out March 18th.

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Kick Back with Wax Witches

10407365_876274032399540_1545523233211221811_nIt’s not like Burger Records really needs another band in their stable that’s going to blast out some summery tunes, but it looks like that’s what they’re doing with this new tune from Wax Witches; it’s the project of Alex from Bleeding Knees Club.  There’s a bratty vibrancy to the tune, fueled by amped up guitar work and simple pounding drum work.  If the line “summer’s here/lets have some fun” doesn’t get you amped about the increasing temperatures (or I guess declining since one of these guys is from Australia), then you’ll just need to run to your stereo, pump this up loud, and get yourself in the mood. Centre of Your Universe will be out on September 9th, which is too late for summer time here, but at least we’ll have this jam to rock.

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