The Best in Indiepop of 2015

indiepopTons of genres out there, but if you’ve been following our work, you know that I’m really partial to the indiepop scene. I scour the confines of the Internet for any and the best of the genre, and admittedly get tons of tips. So, I looked back through what had come out and wanted to throw a little bit your way…just another list of what I think was the best in indiepop in 2015. Still staying away from numbering. Also…some of this has made my other lists, but I wanted to expand on my favorite genre a little bit. Read more

Another Great Wildhoney Tune

10636662_868611053203947_3628233110282321580_oI’m still playing a little catch up, going through my favorite sites and labels for new tunes…so I blame that for missing this Wildhoney jam during the weekend festival. We’ve clearly hyped the band up plenty before, but I think this track might be the one that lets people see that it’s not just us. You get to hear their complete sound shining here, knife-like guitars cascading in and out behind a melodious vocal performance. You’ve got two weeks to familiarize yourself with the band before their new Your Face Sideways EP is released via Topshelf Records.

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Why Aren’t You Listening to Wildhoney?!?

10636662_868611053203947_3628233110282321580_oI’m pretty sure we warned you (through the help of our friends warning us) about how great Wildhoney is? Personally, one of my favorites shows this year included them playing with Expert Alterations at Cheer Ups earlier this year…then caught them again a few weeks later at Hotel Vegas. The Baltimore act crafts a brand of shoegaze that is often bombastic and abrasive, yet can turn in an instant to an innocent fragility that softens the heart. They’re back again already with the brand new Your Face Sideways EP, which is being released by Topshelf on October 16th.

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Show Preview: Wildhoney @ Hotel Vegas (7.23)

11700529_10106409461315020_3334396368786306187_oAustin’s got a lot of musical things going, even a growing hip-hop scene, but one thing I’ll admit it lacks is a truly solid indiepop scene.  It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s one of my favorites, so I’m always clamoring for a great show.  We’re getting just that tomorrow night at Hotel Vegas as the dreamy Baltimore shoegazers in Wildhoney will be gracing us with their presence.  That alone is enough to warrant your attendance, but there’s three local acts that are just as good.  You’ve got Loafer, Rose Selavy (who have a 7″ coming up soon via ATH Records) and you’ve got Tres Oui.  Wait, you haven’t heard Tres Oui? Me either, but it’s the new project of Nate from Literature…one of the greatest indiepop bands out there. So, those of you with that softer side of indie rock in your blood, join us at 10 PM tomorrow night.

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