SXSW Tuesday In Photos

While Nathan was jet setting around on Monday, Tuesday was my first full day into the SXSW madness. Both of us started early with a focus solely on unofficial and sort of off the beaten path shows for the day. I stuck around the campus area at Tweedy’s and Hole in the Wall while Nathan headed over to the east side. We’ll be giving you a full recap of band highlights and photos later this week and on into next, but I thought ya’ll might want to see what it’s like out there, especially as weather and other factors may come into play as the week carries on. Hit the jump for some quick thoughts on Tuesday with photos.

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Digging On Worn-Tin

worntinWhen I pressed play on this Worn-Tin track, I thought this was just another run of the mill guitar driven tune, although I did like the layering of guitars atop one another. But, stick around pass the intro, and get yourself into the lyrical moments; it definitely has something different going on that you mightn’t expect. The way each note is delivered is interesting, and while there’s definite allusions to other acts, I feel like the core of this song’s really unique. His album Thanataphobia just got released recently, and as its come into my radar, it should be on yours too.

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